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  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Really hard to play on turn-3, so you'll have to wait until later to produce results. The potential is there; whether or not it can execute is another question entirely.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Another Shaman card that sounds fine in theory but won't work out in practice. I'm really not a fan of what the Shaman received this expansion, and I'm tired of Evolve mechanics.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I like the card, but I don't see it being played. It's one of those things where you have grand ideas for it on paper, but cannot execute in practice.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    A cheaper Flame Lance, for a class that might actually care to have a large single-target removal (does the Shaman even have any, besides Hex?). It's all going to come down to your timing ability.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Not a fan. To play this on turn 5 you must have played a spell on turn 4, and how many really good 4-mana spells does the Shaman have? The answer is zero, which means you floated mana in order to pop the board with two damage next turn. Your strategy is not looking so good.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I'm tired of Evolve Shaman; can we give it a rest? For even a little bit? The card looks like it could be enjoyable to play with, but I doubt it will work out in actual play.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I might lack the imagination to see its potential, but I'm not a fan of the card currently. Vashj Prime is slow and understatted, and you have to draw into her before you draw the big spells you want discounted. If the Shaman had received another big spell in Ashes of Outland to combo with Lady Vashj I could see where they're headed with the card, but they didn't.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I'm not a fan of this, mostly because of its pitiful Health. Yeah you're in it for the Battlecry, but still. The Battlecry itself is devastating against token decks, but will that be enough to carry it? I don't believe so.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I think it will definitely see play, even if Stealth Rogue fails to materialize. You can trade into basically any 2-drop with this, and the Stealth keeps it from being pinged before that happens.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Just a good, solid Secret. There's no such thing as a "No Spell" archetype - yet, anyway - so you know this will proc eventually.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Sorry Cairne Bloodhoof, you've been power-crept by a Rogue minion of all things.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I expect this card to induce a LOT of hate, from myself included. Freezing Trap can be frustrating to play against, and you can control how that plays out; with this, the Rogue has all of the control.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Crazy support for Stealth Rogue. Makes your little Worgen Infiltrators and Spymistresss much more viable later in the game.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Possibly the weakest of the three Secrets revealed for Ashes of Outland, but still a decent card. 2/2/3 Poisonous is playable.

  • linkblade91's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I hate it already. I can easily see this being included in a Rogue deck, even one that doesn't have any-other Secrets. You don't need to be sneaky with this card: just deny them the ability to trade effectively. You have to essentially lose a minion just to test for the Secret, and another (or more) to remove the evolved target. Absolutely nuts.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    3/3/3 that draws 2 is a great card on the surface; I don't know if Stealth Rogue will take off, but if it does, this will be a workhorse.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    SI:7 Infiltrator might not be enough; could we be seeing the return of Flare to the meta? This Legendary is gonna be really annoying to play against.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Could we be seeing the return of Cold Blood? As others have noted it goes hand-in-hand with Akama Prime, and the Rogue has plenty of ways to draw the Prime out of their deck. I don't know if Akama is good, but he's certainly scary.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Thank you everyone for your feedback :) It is time to reciprocate with some of my own:

    Show Spoiler

    @hereharehere - Sorry I missed your card. With the amount of healing in the Priest, I feel like the penalty does not outweigh the significance of a 4-mana Mind Control + a body. In Wild you could steal Deathwing and then use Greater Healing Potion to mitigate literally all of the damage.

    @thepowrofcheese - I like Felwood Corrupter the most. I play Treant Druid, and sometimes you need to get through something big that would otherwise wipe out your resources; this could be a way to solve that problem.

    @Xarkkal - It's like Totem Cruncher, but for the Paladin, minus the Taunt. It's kind of cool, but I also fear it would have a similar rate of play-ability (which is to say, no one would play it, because they don't want to destroy their board). Plus most of the Silver Hand Recruit-generators have left Standard, meaning this card doesn't really have a home in Ashes of Outland.

    @CovenantKevlar - I like the card, although I don't think it needs to be 2-Health. It would be concerning to make this card cost lower, because then it would be abusive with Woecleaver: imagine pulling out Woecleaver on turn 2 and dropping a Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound. People would riot. As such, it kind of *has* to stay higher.

    @BasilAnguis - I prefer Firestarter Fiend, although it is really slow. You would need a Kael'thas Sunstrider-like effect on the table where you can rapid-fire a bunch of damage spells, but then you'd run out of mana real fast because the Fiend costs at least half your resources. You might be able to get away with this costing 4, or even 3. Sadist Maiden is literally a reprint of Auchenai Soulpriest - just worded differently. Soulpriest could already affect the enemy.

    @Wailor - I prefer Felspark Ritualist: it's an interesting effect that you can play around with healing. The Ritualist would be a must-remove kind of minion; my one concern is that the Shaman has access to a lot of Taunt via their Overload (Earth Elemental, Feral Spirit, Rain of Toads, Eye of the Storm, etc.), so they would end up in the same deck together. That means it could get really out of hand versus some decks. One final tidbit: it should say "Your Overload *effects* deal damage to…", not "cards", because otherwise it's implied the card doesn't do anything. You want the effect to deal damage, not the card's text.

    If you go with Armored Annihilian instead, I would not be upset. That's a cool card as well.

    @Nirast - You're allowed one token, but this seems rather convoluted. That you need a spoiler to explain what you mean is frankly very bad, because that probably means your cards bucks against the traditional simplicity of Hearthstone. It's a lot of work for a bunch of small stat guys.

    @Dermostatic - I like the idea of Finley finding a cursed mummy, but this card implies, on some level, that the Paladin was on the side of E.V.I.L. You're bucking against the separation of the groups, giving the Paladin access to a group of spells it should not have. In that sense, the flavor of it (the Paladin casting a Plague) is WAY off base. Flavor aside, I prefer the 6-mana Deathrattle version. It can be used with Emperor Wraps to create more Plagues, and I feel the 8-mana version is very concerning. Lifesteal + Reborn is a potent combination, let alone such a minion being on the board alone after it wiped everything else out.

    @Satanley - I guess I like the second one the most, although "Is also a Beast" feels like a work-around of the rules :( The first version having Stealth + Rush is oxymoronic - you'll lose the Stealth by attacking with the Rush - and the third version is kinda pointless.

    @CaptainDG - I would have preferred Potion Trickster, but you already submitted so I guess it doesn't matter lol :P

    @anchorm4n - I don't think this should be a Legendary, even if it adds to the flavor by being so. Legendaries should not be tech cards; it could be an Epic and be fine. I would absolutely hate to pull this as a Legendary :(

    @Inconspicuousaurus - I like it a lot more now that Divine Spirit has rotated to the Hall of Fame. I could see this alongside the buff cards from Ashes of Outland, so you have that connection going for you. It still might be a problem in Wild, though.

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    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1710 2897 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I would have left it alone. Yeah, you're more likely to get a "Difficult" quest than an Easy one, but that's what the reroll is for if you're that bothered. Is it so hard to play three games as one-of-three classes? It's way better than it used to be, when you had to win. I'll take the 60 gold you get now any day of the week.