Secret Mage’s power varies a lot less than Darkglare’s does from what I’ve seen, so it does make some sense at least. A lucky Darkglare turn can get some really ridiculous board states out, whereas a Secret Mage is just a relatively standard burn deck
Magic Duels was pretty fun to play back when it was a thing and it worked fine on mobile. Device got hot if the brightness was really high, but that’s something most games have, especially on older devices
No Jandice shouldn’t be able to summon herself, it’s just that with Murgur it’s the prime summoning the base copy, so it’s technically two different cards.
I personally don’t really agree with that decision, but it falls under the rules they set for it so it’s fine
Honestly the Saurok would probably be good enough to fit a more aggressive role if they needed it for the setting. I wouldn’t be opposed to another Un’Goro set one day with the Tortollans versus the Saurok. Maybe add in a plant tribe as the set’s new thing to give relevance to some of the older Un’Goro cards too
Bandits mosh and Shadowy Figure make sense, since they’re basically becoming the original Rattlegore with stats set to a different amount (but in the game’s mind it’s still looking at it like an original Rattlegore with 9/9 base stats). It’s a bit weird, but it does make some sense (though they probably should’ve gone off of the Bandersmosh’s 5/5 stats, if his stats have the green color for when they’re higher than normal I guess it makes sense since it’s basically just a modified of the original and it’s just Bandersmosh being a weird card)
I can guarantee though that the deathrattle isn’t summoning set tokens though, it’s just generating tokens based off of the original base stats of whatever has that deathrattle. As such, Undatakah summons a 7/4 Undatakah, and the Vectus tokens don’t summon anything because they’re 1/1’s.
Tempo Priest was a thing at one point, back when Dragon Synergy was an actual deck. The deck literally revolves around using that synergy to get a bigger than average minion on the board each turn. Been ages since it was a thing, but it’s not like it’s impossible for them to have a tempo deck without card draw
The thing is, for some of the combinations of tribes, there outright might not be enough room on the bottom of the card to write it out. Murloc already takes up a lot of room on it, even having Mech there as well might be a bit too much
If they finally decide to make Undead an actual tribe I hope they decide to actually figure out how to handle any potential multi tribe minions, cause Undead’s one of those that is most likely to have some crossover with other tribes.
Personally, I’m a fan of having abbreviations of both tribes on the card if that ever happens. Like Und/Mrlc for Undead Murloc.
Other than that, I’m still hoping for an eventual Plant tribe. Give a bit of new life to some of the cards in Un’Goro, while giving Druids an interesting new deck type (that hopefully won’t revolve around combos like always)
People who are suggesting OP to play wild clearly haven't played wild constructed in a while.
It was bad enough for a control player in wild last expansion with Quest mage running rampant.
And now you've got Reno priest, which was already a top tier deck before, with a bunch of new cards AND druids with their regained innervate all over the place.
Wild is combo all around right now. Good luck playing a control deck there.
But as others have rightfully said already, there's plenty of viable control decks in standard right now.
Highlander mage, bomb/big warrior and galakrond priest (in order from most to least effective) are all more than serviceable decks.
If you want to beat Reno Priest, just play Fatigue Warrior. It’s such an easy matchup you almost need to try to lose it to not win. Wins against aggro, and as long as you play Dirty Rat at the right time, you usually win against combo too
Personally don’t like the idea of this too much, especially since it means f2p players will be getting less gold, and will need to grind a lot more for the less gold.
So my thoughts so far from playing a few games with him pretty much match what I thought when he was first revealed, very slow, but also ridiculously good at controlling the board.
Been running him in my Wild Fatigue Warrior with N’Zoth, and he definitely does carry his own weight. Results are a bit skewed because opponents don’t really know what to do against him though, Razakus ends up using 5 or so cards to be able to kill him a few times, and other opponents keep alternating between trying to kill him, to ignoring him.
Altogether for me, he’s exactly what I felt like I was missing in Warrior, a high impact card that can take advantage of your hero power drawing out games. He’s threatening to opponents up until he’s a 4/4, giving you massive card advantage against them.
GA is probably the best because, while it’s not the most amazing, it does still give some cards that are worth it for competitive use and casual play.
With 6.3k though in battlegrounds, I’m pretty sure you’re above average still. Altogether though, I can’t say how much enjoyment you’d actually get out of the pass, since it’s mostly for competitive use as far as I know
On iPhone at least it’s not too bad usually, just every now and then the formatting for it gets really messed up and you need to reload the page a few times for it to be playable again
Huh, so I guess that’s why the shop said it had something new in it even though nothing new actually appeared in it. Kind of weird that it still did that though
Call of the Wild is a bit different since the 2 damage from the hero power also helped out a nice bit on 10.
Secret Mage’s power varies a lot less than Darkglare’s does from what I’ve seen, so it does make some sense at least. A lucky Darkglare turn can get some really ridiculous board states out, whereas a Secret Mage is just a relatively standard burn deck
Magic Duels was pretty fun to play back when it was a thing and it worked fine on mobile. Device got hot if the brightness was really high, but that’s something most games have, especially on older devices
I played Magic Duels back when that was a thing and it worked pretty well altogether, don’t remember many problems with it.
Kind of wish that game was still getting updated, it was really generous to f2p compared to Arena
No Jandice shouldn’t be able to summon herself, it’s just that with Murgur it’s the prime summoning the base copy, so it’s technically two different cards.
I personally don’t really agree with that decision, but it falls under the rules they set for it so it’s fine
Honestly the Saurok would probably be good enough to fit a more aggressive role if they needed it for the setting. I wouldn’t be opposed to another Un’Goro set one day with the Tortollans versus the Saurok. Maybe add in a plant tribe as the set’s new thing to give relevance to some of the older Un’Goro cards too
Bandits mosh and Shadowy Figure make sense, since they’re basically becoming the original Rattlegore with stats set to a different amount (but in the game’s mind it’s still looking at it like an original Rattlegore with 9/9 base stats). It’s a bit weird, but it does make some sense (though they probably should’ve gone off of the Bandersmosh’s 5/5 stats, if his stats have the green color for when they’re higher than normal I guess it makes sense since it’s basically just a modified of the original and it’s just Bandersmosh being a weird card)
I can guarantee though that the deathrattle isn’t summoning set tokens though, it’s just generating tokens based off of the original base stats of whatever has that deathrattle. As such, Undatakah summons a 7/4 Undatakah, and the Vectus tokens don’t summon anything because they’re 1/1’s.
I don’t know what you’re talking about with Vectus being good for Rez Priest, the 1/1 tokens would just be vanilla minions after they’re rezzed
Tempo Priest was a thing at one point, back when Dragon Synergy was an actual deck. The deck literally revolves around using that synergy to get a bigger than average minion on the board each turn. Been ages since it was a thing, but it’s not like it’s impossible for them to have a tempo deck without card draw
The thing is, for some of the combinations of tribes, there outright might not be enough room on the bottom of the card to write it out. Murloc already takes up a lot of room on it, even having Mech there as well might be a bit too much
If they finally decide to make Undead an actual tribe I hope they decide to actually figure out how to handle any potential multi tribe minions, cause Undead’s one of those that is most likely to have some crossover with other tribes.
Personally, I’m a fan of having abbreviations of both tribes on the card if that ever happens. Like Und/Mrlc for Undead Murloc.
Other than that, I’m still hoping for an eventual Plant tribe. Give a bit of new life to some of the cards in Un’Goro, while giving Druids an interesting new deck type (that hopefully won’t revolve around combos like always)
If you want to beat Reno Priest, just play Fatigue Warrior. It’s such an easy matchup you almost need to try to lose it to not win. Wins against aggro, and as long as you play Dirty Rat at the right time, you usually win against combo too
Personally don’t like the idea of this too much, especially since it means f2p players will be getting less gold, and will need to grind a lot more for the less gold.
So my thoughts so far from playing a few games with him pretty much match what I thought when he was first revealed, very slow, but also ridiculously good at controlling the board.
Been running him in my Wild Fatigue Warrior with N’Zoth, and he definitely does carry his own weight. Results are a bit skewed because opponents don’t really know what to do against him though, Razakus ends up using 5 or so cards to be able to kill him a few times, and other opponents keep alternating between trying to kill him, to ignoring him.
Altogether for me, he’s exactly what I felt like I was missing in Warrior, a high impact card that can take advantage of your hero power drawing out games. He’s threatening to opponents up until he’s a 4/4, giving you massive card advantage against them.
GA is probably the best because, while it’s not the most amazing, it does still give some cards that are worth it for competitive use and casual play.
With 6.3k though in battlegrounds, I’m pretty sure you’re above average still. Altogether though, I can’t say how much enjoyment you’d actually get out of the pass, since it’s mostly for competitive use as far as I know
Well of course Kel’Thuzad would make sure they’re the right size. Can’t have his sacrifice student going around in uncomfortable shoes
On iPhone at least it’s not too bad usually, just every now and then the formatting for it gets really messed up and you need to reload the page a few times for it to be playable again
The 5/7 demon warlock got as well as the big demons Demon Hunter got (especially Pit Commander) do enough to keep the power level of it higher
Huh, so I guess that’s why the shop said it had something new in it even though nothing new actually appeared in it. Kind of weird that it still did that though
Don’t worry, Zephrys will just give a BGH more likely than not