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Joined 10/24/2019 Achieve Points 110 Posts 8

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  • Millergram's Avatar
    110 8 Posts Joined 10/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I dont know if its just me, but feels like im playing druid. Hope this deck helps someone its not optimized yet, but you may understand something about this I do not.


    Pretty simple to play just do the most optimal thing you can has lots of card draw for a highlander decks so you can likely burn through most people even the druids pretty often.


  • Millergram's Avatar
    110 8 Posts Joined 10/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    This deck is very simple. The best decks seem to play them selves to great efficiency. This deck does the same.



    It is actually a massive swarm of big minions after turn 6, and it happens essentially 60% of the time.

  • Millergram's Avatar
    110 8 Posts Joined 10/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Sadly I have no War War Master Voone so I have been avoiding highlander warrior its hard to get consistent. Though I am using a list for it either way.

  • Millergram's Avatar
    110 8 Posts Joined 10/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Honestly I just ran out of cards. I have given up on the entire dragon thing for now with most classes seems too weak, but is getting better. This modified version of Galakrond Warrior is much much better for me includes Scion of Ruin now.


    There is a lot of combos going on in this version of gala warrior to deal with as many situations as possible to get face damage whilst minimizing damage taken.

    I wont do a long post here just make a new topic

  • Millergram's Avatar
    110 8 Posts Joined 10/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago


    Essentially it is designed around the heavy Aggro meta going around. It goes pretty wide on clear with Warpath, Dragonmaw Scorcher,Awaken!, Twin Tyrant, and Deathwing, Mad Aspect. The primary strategy is to win either by exhaust or just take any damage you can get to face to break them down. Honestly I havent found many good Gala decks, and this is essentally a modifaction of the RegisKillbin deck because i didnt have a Dr. Boom, Mad Genius. Works very well, but can't go super late vs things like Shaman and Archivist Elysiana decks.


    Honestly I have no idea what to do with Gala Warrior is it control or aggro?

  • Millergram's Avatar
    110 8 Posts Joined 10/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Now this archetype basically is a complete meme for priest, but it works a little better now. Honestly this is pretty much a Test Subject Grave Rune deck just for fun. Just load up the test subject with anything you got rinse and repeat over and over...until it get silenced. I have not found any success with wall style gala decks for priest nothing seems consistent. Combo priest pretty much got better as far as I can tell the Invoke adds some beef to your Mid Game if you get cleared early, but honestly in that situation with Combo priest I usually die. Though lately I can recover with a bit of RnG, and Divine Spirit Inner Fire action. There may be some use to this idea, but I don't know what to cut. Since everything having a death rattle is pretty important you have to go hard for face.


  • Millergram's Avatar
    110 8 Posts Joined 10/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for looking at my deck. In its original form I would say that it was too inconstant with the N'Zoth, the Corruptor package. The hope was to have a late game last ditch effort to get off a few key Quest Buttons, but it rarely mattered or even got to that stage in the game. Sea Giant Amazing in this iteration of the deck as there are a lot more trash creeps that if unanswered will push tons of face damage. The old Eccentric Scribe would often time be the reason I won games honestly having a minion that effectively spawns 5 bodies was surprisingly good in most situations I faced as long as I had some semblance of board control. Desert Hare is a must as far as I can tell whenever I play it usually gets answered, but is often time overreacted or under reacted too. Tends to setup for card draw or just be an easy 3 summons. Looks needed to keep up with getting quest done at around turn 7 or 8. Most importantily I have 100% found that it needs to have no copies to keep the Dinotamer Brann into Zephrys the Great combo constant. Revenge of the Wild Had to be cut was way too hard to setup over 30 + games


    As of now above is the deck that is keeping me alive on the ladder at all lol


    p.s. I don't have any of the cards that you speak of so I could not say Nine Lives [Hearthstone Card (Boommaster Flark) Not Found] or [Hearthstone Card (Halazzi, the Lynx) Not Found]...But Bone Wraith Was a VERY good idea saves lives lol

  • Millergram's Avatar
    110 8 Posts Joined 10/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I love playing hunter, but it feels kinda bad in the current meta so had to craft this new deck to try to keep up.


    Its Kinda facey since you don't want to go too late but it can still play Mid range very well and tends to Deal roughly 15 to 22 damage instantly or more with a good Zephrys


    Let me know how it feels or if you have suggestions I'm not thinking of, but this has been an on going project for at least a month or two changing a lot due to N,zoth