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Pezman's Comments

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From GameTheory345

    It's a fun meme deck, but it's not worthwhile in the long run. The fact that you have to sacrifice 5 cards (2 Target Dummys, Mimiron's Head, Open the Waygate and Molten Reflection) for the OTK, and even more to fulfill the quest means you don't have much space left for control or stall cards. Furthermore, it's Wild, with over 800 spells, there's going to be a lot of variance, and most of it isn't very good. 

    Wild is just far too powerful for such a deck to work.

    I've actually been playing this a bit today, and it is really inconsistent. I guess it comes down to what your goal is. Is it fun? Heck yes. You just have to be willing to lose a few games. Ranking up? Not too likely.

    My version uses Mana Cyclone and a bunch of cheap stuff, plus of course 2 ice blocks. Ran into hand size issues quite frequently. What sucks even more is that even if you pull it off, the reward itself is only 16 dmg. As GameTheory345 said, you want a molten reflection to double it up (crazed alchemist also works). Of course, you've also got full mana the turn Vo7tron spawns, so maybe your rando spell generation gave you a fireball or something. 

    Good luck!

    In reply to Mimiron's Head?
  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    So many good vibes on this thread, I love it!

    For those working at this goal, yes, it takes time and limiting yourself to the ones you need. I started playing around Naxx, so I've had almost 5 years to do this. My highest count is mage at 551, because I basically stop playing a class once it's golden. This is a bummer, because I like to play all classes, never really focused on any one. Early on it was no big deal, got Warlock so I can play the other 8. But I've been maining Warrior now for a few months. As Traf pointed out, games are super long with control warrior. I switched over to wild aggro mech warrior to cheese out the last 15 wins. You can hate me for that if you like, but the final win was so sweet (druid left my frothing berserker up because he had a wall of scarabs, which I cleared with a weapon, a Korkron, and an execute).

    The feeling of freedom is great now, as I can mess around with whatever I like. C'mere, Guldan old buddy, I've missed you so...


    In reply to All 9 Golden Heroes!
  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Just got my 500th win with Warrior, completing my set of Golden Heroes! Yes, I made a post just to brag, but I'm really proud of it. Ok, enough about me. Who else wants to brag?

    In reply to All 9 Golden Heroes!
  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From tony

    I don't think any strategy is completely reliable.


    EACTLY! LOL It was enough to drive me insane! But, getting it finished was a great feeling even though a lot of it required some luck.

    One thing that I'd feel bad about is if people sat down at the computer and just closed out the adventure if they didn't get "exactly whatever combo" for a potential OTK. It's probably more productive to press on with another strategyto see what happens.

    Missed opportunity: should have said "I pity the fool who sits down at the computer...". Sweet avatar btw.

    Yeah, these runs can feel so frustrating (even going back to Dungeon Run) when you try for some synergy and just get trash. Bartender Bob can make a big difference, but I still wish we had a little more control. I often get the "Remove all friendly minions" when there are one or two I need, and one or two I can't use. 

    In reply to Dalaran Heist Tips
  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Shadowrisen

    One thing that drove me crazy about King Rastakhan is how the totems from his hero power are not golden.

    I believe they changed this with Lei Shen, which is nice.


    Also, I know a lot of you resist buying skins for skins' sake, but Magni Bronzebeard is the best skin in the game.  The animation of his HP, his emotes, and his card back are all choice.  Unfortunately, he doesn't come with packs, but such is the life of a non-f2per

    Hear hear. Magni's the only one I bought out of those original 3. I miss his sorry emote, the only one that actually sounded sincere and not sarcastic. "I'm so sorry friend."

    In reply to Lei Shen skin!! OMG!!
  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From tony
    Quote From Pezman

    Regarding the 0 mana Sound the Bells, I've managed to make this combo twice now. Obviously, barring taunt, Vaporize or Ice Block, it's a free win (although Rocket Boots makes taunt irrelevant). The first time, I actually lost because one boss cast Devour Mind and got a copy of my 0 mana Bells. When he started buffing his minion (I think it was a Mossy Horror), I was ready to quit, as that could literally go on forever, but he stopped at 14 attack. Weird. But I couldn't remove the Horror, so I died. Feelsbadman.

    Second time was Heroic Chapter 4, and I took it all the way. Guaranteed wins are great and all, but damn, that was BORING. Dong dong dong dong dong...

    However, I discovered something folks might find useful: Elistra the Immortal caps at 30. On Boss 3, I played her and jammed her all the way up to 110 attack just so I'd be able to play her later and kill Khadgar (who has 110 health at the end of Chapter 5). I did play her in the next fight, and she only cast Bells 30 times. Should still be enough in most scenarios.

    It isn't reliable. You got lucky. Twice. Which is totally possible. It is also possible for me to not get so lucky. You can have a bad run with it, trust me, because I did, like three times before I just looked for a better alternative. Even if you get the combo available to you it's possible you won't draw it, for example. That happened to me. Also, you can't rely on the tavern offering you the ability to reduce it to zero, which also happened to me. Also, you can't rely on the card being worth 0 another way, which I also attempted with Emerald Goggles. I would ask you to pull off the combo 50 times in a row and then tell us all how it works so well and so reliably. I'm living proof that you can do it with Paladin George without this OTK that relies on A) visiting the tavern and having the card that allows you to reduce a spell by 2 or a random card to 0 B) if you get the option to reduce the spell by 2, that Sound the Bells is in the selection of four so you can reduce its cost C) if in the case of reducing a random card to 0, that the random card that is selected is actually Sound the Bells. THEN, once you're lucky to have all that Tavern mojo happening, you have to draw the darn card before you die, on all levels and also you have to hope you don't get Norroa on phase 8, an encounter in which the turns are timed. You don't have time to buff a minion over and over to pull it off, if you actually draw the darn card.

    I actually managed to pull the OTK Sound the Bells all the way to Archmage Vargoth on Friday. That was where my adventure ended because I was unlucky. I didn't draw Sound the Bells before I died. So, it isn't a good strategy, IMHO, it's really a crap shoot. I really tried to make it work and it didn't, so I went for a different strategy that worked for me.

    I don't think any strategy is completely reliable. As you point out, you need to draw it to use it, but you can't build your deck around it. The deck I won with had some insane token synergy (1-mana double hero power, 4 copies of Quartermaster, etc.). The free Bells just won a few matches when it came up. 

    Also, in point of fact, I didn't get lucky twice. I got the combo from the tavern twice (highly unlikely, yes), but the first time a boss stole it and used it against me. That's not lucky at all.

    In reply to Dalaran Heist Tips
  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Regarding the 0 mana Sound the Bells, I've managed to make this combo twice now. Obviously, barring taunt, Vaporize or Ice Block, it's a free win (although Rocket Boots makes taunt irrelevant). The first time, I actually lost because one boss cast Devour Mind and got a copy of my 0 mana Bells. When he started buffing his minion (I think it was a Mossy Horror), I was ready to quit, as that could literally go on forever, but he stopped at 14 attack. Weird. But I couldn't remove the Horror, so I died. Feelsbadman.

    Second time was Heroic Chapter 4, and I took it all the way. Guaranteed wins are great and all, but damn, that was BORING. Dong dong dong dong dong...

    However, I discovered something folks might find useful: Elistra the Immortal caps at 30. On Boss 3, I played her and jammed her all the way up to 110 attack just so I'd be able to play her later and kill Khadgar (who has 110 health at the end of Chapter 5). I did play her in the next fight, and she only cast Bells 30 times. Should still be enough in most scenarios.

    In reply to Dalaran Heist Tips
  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I'm not the first person to suggest this, but I think it's likely and would be a good move. For newer players and players with smaller collections, Whizbang is an easy way to play decks that are at least decent (no, I haven't thoroughly vetted all the recipes, but I imagine some are okay?), and can help with figuring out deck types and play-styles you like before making crafting choices. Also, with the recent addition of SN1P-SN4P to Boomsday, they will have pre-emptively replaced the missing neutral legendary from that set.

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Just chiming in with the good feels wagon! Like a few other posters before me, I read Hearthpwn a lot over the years, but never made an account. Really glad to be part of this community!

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I've had the same issue, and it actually won't let you cue into a game with that deck until you've opened it in the collection to remove the flag. Very minor issue indeed, but pretty annoying!

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Did anyone else notice they changed the text on Kingsbane slightly? Same effect, just slightly new wording. This may have happened awhile ago and I didn't catch it until yesterday when playing a Heist.

    In reply to Hidden Changes
  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    That's a fair point. Since you mention tutoring, I'll point to Master's Call. I also think about how much value is generated. Even with Zul'Jin recasting Frenzy and Call in the best possible order with the best possible targets, you still only have a limited number of buffed minions. Does anyone think Prelate's infinite value is problematic?

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I'm curious if anyone else has thought about this possibility. The earliest example I can think of is Kingsbane. Back in the day, having your opponent constantly re-equip a 13/4 lifesteal weapon for 1 mana felt bad, but honestly, I think it would be just as bad with a higher cost (also, the Leeching Poison nerf alleviates this a bit).

    As I mention in the title, Dire Frenzy allows things like playing a 5/8 rhino and two 4/6 scalehides, for example, all in one turn for 9 mana, and having more copies of each to do it again.

    I'm not sure if Immortal Prelate can be quite as oppressive, but it does allow some really wacky combos.

    Consider this: in Dalaran Heist (where insanely OP combos are SUPPOSED to happen), the Bartender can offer you "Give a minion +4/+4, and increase its cost by 2."

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Thought this Turn 1 was worth sharing:

    epic turn 1

    In case the history bar is too small, here's what happened: Emerald Goggles into Animal Companion, Huffer busted the Cache, then second Companion into Banana Split. Yes, this was a turn 2 lethal.

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for the replies, haven't used Imgur before, so I'll try it out tonight.

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2278 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Hi everyone! Been playing Hearthstone since Naxx, been reading Hearthpwn almost as long. Never made an account before, but figured this was a good time to jump in! Was hoping to do my first post in the Pepper Thread, but can't figure out how to add a screenshot. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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