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Joined 03/17/2019 Achieve Points 1255 Posts 744

randomfan's Comments

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Another decent synergy card for token DH. Any token deck will benefit from a card that buffs based on something happening to large numbers of small minions. The stat line makes it so there is a decent chance it can survive for at least one turn.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    This card obviously telegraphs to your opponent that they need to clear the board this turn, but they also need to clear the board every turn for the next three. It will be a nice face off to see if the clears can match the refills on consecutive turns. Also, it isn't a sigil, so you could play both on one turn.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I really like the fact that this isn't a demon. It helps to provide some early control support for the big demon set up, without polluting the cards that interact with the demons. I think I may actually try to play and level up my Demon Hunter this expansion.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    This will always be used for the double summon effect. I guessing mainly to clear out one big minion or remove a couple smaller ones. Possibly it is used for removing taunts to push face damage. This is another flexible card that fits tokens or big demons. It helps create minions (and deaths of them for those relevant cards) and it provides an earlyish spell for control.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    It is a one turn [Hearthstone Card (Skull of the Ma'nari) Not Found]. I think for big demons, this is just fair enough to make plays without being always broken. You will surely hit some nut draw occasionally, but I don't think it ends game by itself. If played on curve, you essentially make something like 'save your mana crystals for next turn with a little bit of extra cash back'.

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Giants have always ended up being playable in some type of deck. I like this one in either token or big demons. If you run Vandar, that will essentially make him playable already. Putting him in a token style deck gets you the possibility of slamming an 8/8 around turn 5 or 6.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I really like this big demon support. A lot of them have extra effects that you want to use anyway. This is just a way to pull some of those effects a little bit earlier.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Looks like a very solid card for Demon Hunter. I think it can even fit in with the big demon package that they look to be pushing with some of the other cards this expansion. Does anyone know what the scaling is for the rush minions? Are we increasing the number summoned or the stats of the two that get summoned?

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Can anyone confirm how experience from the FiAV achievements will work? There are a couple that you can get progress on right now without the new cards, Hunter has a trigger secrets one and there is a neutral one about winning games after playing a hero card. If I complete some stages now, will I be able to wait and claim the XP on the new track or will it be auto claimed on the current track when it rolls over to the new one?

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    The Demon Hunter weapon does not work for the 0 Attack weapon achievement. Because it has an attack of however many cards you have drawn that turn and you always draw one card to start your turn, you can never play it with 0 attack.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    For the 'Not the Face' achievement, just play until you run into a quest mage. I played whatever deck the autocomplete gave me when starting with Antonidas and went face with everything until I drew him. If you don't play many minions they will usually be a little slower playing their frost spells so you should have some time.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Gankster+Ramming Mount looks like a frustrating thing to play against. You'll have to sacrifice (probably) something to unstealth it and then have 4 damage worth of removal to clear it.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    High mana cost minions are so difficult to predict. The effect seems pretty amazing, but I'm not sure how easy it will be to get to a point that it is playable. Paladin does have decent control tools, so maybe it becomes feasible.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Tutored card draw is always a good thing. If you put that in a class that typically doesn't have good draw engines it should turn into something very reliable. This looks like a very solid card.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Tony Stark's lawyers are on the phone with a Cease and Desist order on Valeera.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I like that the legendary quest will give us whichever golden faction leader we didn't choose. No long term worries about choosing the wrong one.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Ok, I haven't seen many wild decks, so here's hoping this stands out a bit. I present to you a Silence/Lady Prestor deck. I've only got 3 cards from the new set. Hopefully that is enough since it is a wild deck.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    I feel pretty good about how I was able to keep up with rating the cards this reveal cycle. I've rated them all now and I'm pretty sure I've commented on them all. Looks like a pretty  decent set coming up. I'm excited to try and make a Lady Prestor deck and a boar deck work out. Who cares if they are good,  I just want to have a fun payoff.

    In reply to United in Stormwind
  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Average card. Decent for making something into a taunt. Maybe  you use it on some of those high statted 'can only attack if' cards.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Pretty decent if you have some kind of tutored draw that you can take advantage of.  Proccing it with Taelen Fordring (not his name since the card tag didn'twork, but you know who I'm talking about) or Primordial Protector could be kind of interesting.