If the hands aren't cleared then Neptulon will threaten 24 damage (16 from Neptulon attacking twice and the hands individually) for the next turn but they're not that hard to clear so eh.
Also, I would say that this is a bit better than Lokholar because this has way more board presence.
This actually looks really fun. Deckbuilding is gonna be quite hard though. You pretty much have to think of every location in the game since some of them are really limiting like Crimson Cosmos (Can only play 4-6 cost cards) and The Space Throne (Can only play 1 card in it) and there's like 50 of them. Maybe it's their intention to make discovering the meta as difficult as possible so that technically every card is viable. It will be chaotic but personally I'm very interested to see where this goes.
Also, the snap mechanic is absolutely going to peak my anxiety. It's a terrifying concept but a very thrilling one.
But at what cost? Switcheroo getting banned in wild. This means Darkglare Priest will be noticeably weaker, but I'm sure we'll find a replacement for it even if it's not as good as Draw 2 minions. Funny that I predicted the nerf, but it ended up getting banned anyway. I guess they hate that deck more than I do.
Also the Pirate QL nerf and Kazakusan rework are pretty significant for wild.
Kinda opposed to banning Switcheroo since it's a useful tutor for decks that aren't Boar/Darkness like Spell Priest. Hopefully they found a way to balance the card without ruining it for other decks.
3 mana: Swap the mana cost of 2 minions in your hand.
The card becomes way more consistent this way and the otk will still be available, but the combo normally comes a lot later, because you don`t have to draw one specific card but at least 3 specific cards.
Maybe additionally raise the mana cost of the spell.
Uhh no. Again, that's an entirely new effect that's pretty much a worse version of the one that you proposed previously.
Or, I have a better idea. Make it so that Switcheroo only swaps health. That way:
The card is still as effective at tutoring for decks that want it.
Solving the standard version without nerfing twin fin.
Forcing the wild version to use Divine Spirit + Topsy/Inner fire/Bless to go for the kill instead of either using vivid nightmares or just callously dropping a 20/20 with charge at turn 4 against decks that can't deal with it. And without nerfing anything else too
Maybe it's still a problem in wild though? I don't know how consistent you get those two specific cards at turn 4.
Edit: You can still use vivid nightmares, you just have to use the attack buff cards first which is a lot less ideal I'd say.
Easiest solution is probably to nerf Switcheroo's mana cost to 5. It's very sad though because Switcheroo is an effective tutor for other priests decks that needs it, and it's ruined by a broken interaction.
Man, that Darkglare Priest seems very very fun. I'll have to disenchant some legendaries to craft it though. But damn, if Switcheroo is nerfed later I might be screwed over. I'll have to hold myself from crafting it until a nerf is announced.
I don't really understand what you're arguing for here. Are you trying to defend this deck for at least having a counter to it?
PSA you are talking to someone who tried to defend Questline Warlock back in its S-tier Wild hayday (I argued it should be slowed down and not outright banned). I can apply the same principle to Switcheroo Priest, because I do like that it opens a door for people to further express themselves by enjoying playing these highrolly decks, just like I argued QL Warlock was the new Jade Druid-like deck for people who enjoyed that playstyle. I oppose kneecapping decks, because they can curve out a niche, unless they are literally impossible to balance and need a rework to enable more design meta and more meta diversity.
That said, I would start by nerfing Switcheroo first to weaken both Standard and Wild versions, then see if it continues to overperform in either format and cause metagame damage even when nerfed.
Ah well, to each his own. I still believe that the deck needs to go because sure I can see people enjoying Switcheroo priest because it's highrolly and it ends games fast whether or not they win, but it still creates an unhealthy game environment for other people that are forced to play against it.
Also when I say I want the deck to be gone, I meant to take it away from viability. I can withstand playing against a coinflip deck IF the deck is not meta. Heck, I would even laugh and clap in real life. But when I see the same coinflip over and over and over again, it gets very old.
It is what it is. Those classes can build decks around the technical techs into Switcheroo Priest, even if they are otherwise subpar into other decks nor are their strongest decks, but if the Switcheroo Priest is so dominant, then those specific counters can shine and see regular play to some extent.
Which is exactly why the deck needs to go.
I don't really understand what you're arguing for here. Are you trying to defend this deck for at least having a counter to it? Every deck technically has a counter if you look hard enough. But if a singular deck would make all other decks run cards for the sole reason to counter that deck then the problem isn't on the player, it's the deck's fault. Your reasoning shouldn't be a norm in deckbuilding.
When I say "Sole Reason", I mean that the card is essentially useless in other matchups. So Golakka Crawler, Living Dragonbreath, and Skulking Geist doesn't count.
not even 48 hours and already cry about decks that need nerf . Thats a big lol
Oh trust me, I'm 100% aware that I'm going into this sounding like your average whiny hearthstone player. But if you're not going to give any sort of input and instead be an asshole, then entertain yourself somewhere else.
Yes, the deck is reliant on the game being nice to you, but at least there are viable counters to the strategy. If my proposed ones would emerge, then Priest would need to run anti-Secret minions, and that diludes their Switcheroo pool.
Most of your proposed counters are only viable in a sense that it technically counters it.
The Warlock Ritual of Doom targetting Deathlord is a two-card combo for an effect that's already available for a single card which is Hecklebot. Sure it's three mana, but you need those two specific cards at turn three to counter it.
Ice Block doesn't counter the combo, you merely extend your life in which then you then need to answer the 20/20 or kill the opponent. And the other secrets are just trash in other matchups.
Same goes for the paladin and Rogue cards. Maybe except for Oh My Yogg! and Evasion. But then again, you can play around Oh My Yogg! and Evasion has the same problem as Ice Block.
Also, not every deck just wants to run the cards that you proposed, especially if they're only good against Switcheroo Priest. At least Golakka Crawler and Living Dragonbreath have vanilla stats to make up for their specific effect.
Plus they're all class specific counters, so I guess the other classes can go fuck themselves then.
Oh, and Hecklebot is a death sentence against Kael'thas druid, which is pretty much Switcheroo Priest's older brother.
Im not sure how team will address this problem, except nerfing boar or changing Switcheroo altogether. Its actually doing the same thing with twinfin/deathwing in standard too, but that is a much, much less problem than what wild is facing right now.
It does, but that's a class limited solution. Warriors can also deal with them by gaining more than 10 armor and kill both boars.
Also even if boar is nerfed there's still Bluegill Warrior and Wolfrider. They're slower sure, but still the same problems.
I guess there is a neutral option, in the form of Blademaster Okani, but I suspect that's far too late. Its still an option though.
Yeah, I thought of that card and Hecklebot. They're both kinda too late to be played.
Im not sure how team will address this problem, except nerfing boar or changing Switcheroo altogether. Its actually doing the same thing with twinfin/deathwing in standard too, but that is a much, much less problem than what wild is facing right now.
It does, but that's a class limited solution. Warriors can also deal with them by gaining more than 10 armor and kill both boars.
Also even if boar is nerfed there's still Bluegill Warrior and Wolfrider. They're slower sure, but still the same problems.
I bet Coilfang constructor will be a quite popular pro player choice. The skill ceiling of that card is pretty high.
If the hands aren't cleared then Neptulon will threaten 24 damage (16 from Neptulon attacking twice and the hands individually) for the next turn but they're not that hard to clear so eh.
Also, I would say that this is a bit better than Lokholar because this has way more board presence.
This actually looks really fun. Deckbuilding is gonna be quite hard though. You pretty much have to think of every location in the game since some of them are really limiting like Crimson Cosmos (Can only play 4-6 cost cards) and The Space Throne (Can only play 1 card in it) and there's like 50 of them. Maybe it's their intention to make discovering the meta as difficult as possible so that technically every card is viable. It will be chaotic but personally I'm very interested to see where this goes.
Also, the snap mechanic is absolutely going to peak my anxiety. It's a terrifying concept but a very thrilling one.
Nah, the issue is definitely Kael'thas. No card should allow you to play 2 Ultimate infestations and a Miracle Growth in turn 4.
Finally, the suffering can end.
But at what cost? Switcheroo getting banned in wild. This means Darkglare Priest will be noticeably weaker, but I'm sure we'll find a replacement for it even if it's not as good as Draw 2 minions. Funny that I predicted the nerf, but it ended up getting banned anyway. I guess they hate that deck more than I do.
Also the Pirate QL nerf and Kazakusan rework are pretty significant for wild.
Please don't ban Switcheroo, I like my Darkglare Priest very much :(
Kinda opposed to banning Switcheroo since it's a useful tutor for decks that aren't Boar/Darkness like Spell Priest. Hopefully they found a way to balance the card without ruining it for other decks.
Good, I can finally stop being butthurt. Hopefully the balance changes are good enough for me to be able to play the game again.
Kind of dependent to the deck that you're playing too. Certain decks would benefit more from going second like even warlock.
Uhh no. Again, that's an entirely new effect that's pretty much a worse version of the one that you proposed previously.
Or, I have a better idea. Make it so that Switcheroo only swaps health. That way:
Maybe it's still a problem in wild though? I don't know how consistent you get those two specific cards at turn 4.
Edit: You can still use vivid nightmares, you just have to use the attack buff cards first which is a lot less ideal I'd say.
Easiest solution is probably to nerf Switcheroo's mana cost to 5. It's very sad though because Switcheroo is an effective tutor for other priests decks that needs it, and it's ruined by a broken interaction.
Man, that Darkglare Priest seems very very fun. I'll have to disenchant some legendaries to craft it though. But damn, if Switcheroo is nerfed later I might be screwed over. I'll have to hold myself from crafting it until a nerf is announced.
Ah well, to each his own. I still believe that the deck needs to go because sure I can see people enjoying Switcheroo priest because it's highrolly and it ends games fast whether or not they win, but it still creates an unhealthy game environment for other people that are forced to play against it.
Also when I say I want the deck to be gone, I meant to take it away from viability. I can withstand playing against a coinflip deck IF the deck is not meta. Heck, I would even laugh and clap in real life. But when I see the same coinflip over and over and over again, it gets very old.
Which is exactly why the deck needs to go.
I don't really understand what you're arguing for here. Are you trying to defend this deck for at least having a counter to it? Every deck technically has a counter if you look hard enough. But if a singular deck would make all other decks run cards for the sole reason to counter that deck then the problem isn't on the player, it's the deck's fault. Your reasoning shouldn't be a norm in deckbuilding.
When I say "Sole Reason", I mean that the card is essentially useless in other matchups. So Golakka Crawler, Living Dragonbreath, and Skulking Geist doesn't count.
Oh trust me, I'm 100% aware that I'm going into this sounding like your average whiny hearthstone player. But if you're not going to give any sort of input and instead be an asshole, then entertain yourself somewhere else.
Most of your proposed counters are only viable in a sense that it technically counters it.
Also, not every deck just wants to run the cards that you proposed, especially if they're only good against Switcheroo Priest. At least Golakka Crawler and Living Dragonbreath have vanilla stats to make up for their specific effect.
Plus they're all class specific counters, so I guess the other classes can go fuck themselves then.
Oh, and Hecklebot is a death sentence against Kael'thas druid, which is pretty much Switcheroo Priest's older brother.
That's not a nerf. That's an entirely new effect. An effect that allows you to play a turn 3 Kazakusan.
Yes, that's more preferable. But I feel like that's a lot more design limiting.
Yeah, I thought of that card and Hecklebot. They're both kinda too late to be played.
It does, but that's a class limited solution. Warriors can also deal with them by gaining more than 10 armor and kill both boars.
Also even if boar is nerfed there's still Bluegill Warrior and Wolfrider. They're slower sure, but still the same problems.