Infused only activates if a friendly minion dies right? It's going to be pretty hard to maximize the effect but it is just straight up Call of the Wild.
Seems like to me you're only thinking in the worst-case scenario. Currently, there are a total of 6 relics you can put into your deck which with demon hunter's card draws, is enough amount to reliably play the 3 or 5 mana on curve. I reckon playing any of the relics in their worst form on curve isn't the end of the world. Sure they're terrible in the first form but the cards scale off of themselves and each other, kinda like jades but better. I'm going to predict that you will be able to play at least 3 relics by turn 5, which is really good.
What makes this potentially broken IMO is the location Relic Vault with Relic of Dimensions. Even doubling a baseline Relic of Dimensions is an absurd amount of draws and cost reduction. This makes it so that putting the relic package into your deck will give it an insane amount of consistency.
People really shouldn't compare this to Biteweed just because the cost and the effect is the same. You don't have to immediately activate the effect the turn you play it. The reason why Biteweed sucked was that the 2 mana cost is just too much to pay since you also have to play a lot of cards before it. But with this card, you only have to worry about planning your big turn ahead. Plus it has Stealth which makes this even better.
Still, for this to see play in standard it needs more support. With the right ones though, I can see this card being absolutely broken. Just pray rogue doesn't get a good 0-mana card.
I am a wild rogue lover so I'm gonna have some real field day with this card.
This is Mage's Wildpaw Cavern. I would rate the singular effect around 1.5 mana. With this card for 3 mana you get 3 uses. What a Steal!
Also being a location, you can use it whenever you want AND you can have two of them on board. You do need a minion to target with, but it's a small drawback since the Volatile Skeleton archetype is more like some sort of a freeze minion mage deck.
Oh my fucking god, I always knew even before the buffs that Caria Felsoul had huge potential if Xhilag is massively buffed. I just didn't expect her to get nerfed instead of Xhilag. My impatient dumb ass already disenchanted her. Rip 1200 dust.
There's a deck that's been floating in wild recently called Mine rogue. Basically, it aims to burn down your opponent by triggering Naval Mine Deathrattle multiple times.
Shattershambler does everything that the deck wants, cost reduction and a way to destroy your mines. It has the potential to break wild so I'm kinda worried. Maybe it's not that good since you don't always want to destroy your own mine so that you can activate it with Necrium Blade.
It does discount two things though, so on curve after your Gorloc Ravager you can play also play a three-drop murloc. Maybe even do another Clownfish into Gorloc Ravager. But I am currently thinking in wild right now, not in standard.
Infused only activates if a friendly minion dies right? It's going to be pretty hard to maximize the effect but it is just straight up Call of the Wild.
Seems like to me you're only thinking in the worst-case scenario. Currently, there are a total of 6 relics you can put into your deck which with demon hunter's card draws, is enough amount to reliably play the 3 or 5 mana on curve. I reckon playing any of the relics in their worst form on curve isn't the end of the world. Sure they're terrible in the first form but the cards scale off of themselves and each other, kinda like jades but better. I'm going to predict that you will be able to play at least 3 relics by turn 5, which is really good.
What makes this potentially broken IMO is the location Relic Vault with Relic of Dimensions. Even doubling a baseline Relic of Dimensions is an absurd amount of draws and cost reduction. This makes it so that putting the relic package into your deck will give it an insane amount of consistency.
People really shouldn't compare this to Biteweed just because the cost and the effect is the same. You don't have to immediately activate the effect the turn you play it. The reason why Biteweed sucked was that the 2 mana cost is just too much to pay since you also have to play a lot of cards before it. But with this card, you only have to worry about planning your big turn ahead. Plus it has Stealth which makes this even better.
Still, for this to see play in standard it needs more support. With the right ones though, I can see this card being absolutely broken. Just pray rogue doesn't get a good 0-mana card.
I am a wild rogue lover so I'm gonna have some real field day with this card.
Pretty good Even Paladin card.
It's sufficient enough I'd say, not too powerful. Although, playing this on curve after Nightcloak Sanctum does seem quite nasty.
This is Mage's Wildpaw Cavern. I would rate the singular effect around 1.5 mana. With this card for 3 mana you get 3 uses. What a Steal!
Also being a location, you can use it whenever you want AND you can have two of them on board. You do need a minion to target with, but it's a small drawback since the Volatile Skeleton archetype is more like some sort of a freeze minion mage deck.
I already absolutely love the theme of this expansion.
I just thought of something. When was the last time we got an actual demon synergy? I just realized that the tribe feels so abandonned.
You sound like a Monty Python character that's portraying a stereotypical racist guy.
Oh my fucking god, I always knew even before the buffs that Caria Felsoul had huge potential if Xhilag is massively buffed. I just didn't expect her to get nerfed instead of Xhilag. My impatient dumb ass already disenchanted her. Rip 1200 dust.
Oh man, I was having fun with shattershambler and Necrium Blade. Ah well
Wait, the minisets today? Crap, I Haven't been playing much so I still don't have enough gold for it.
My brain hurts looking at K9-0tron, it refuses to accept it as a seperate card from Pupbot.
Yeah, I was anticipating a Paladin or a Demon Hunter legendary since they haven't gotten one from a miniset ever.
Jackpot could be good with Swiftscale Trickster.
"""Could""" be.
Drowning someone is a shadow spell? How so?
High Abbess Alura says hello to Front Lines.
There's a deck that's been floating in wild recently called Mine rogue. Basically, it aims to burn down your opponent by triggering Naval Mine Deathrattle multiple times.
Shattershambler does everything that the deck wants, cost reduction and a way to destroy your mines. It has the potential to break wild so I'm kinda worried. Maybe it's not that good since you don't always want to destroy your own mine so that you can activate it with Necrium Blade.
It does discount two things though, so on curve after your Gorloc Ravager you can play also play a three-drop murloc. Maybe even do another Clownfish into Gorloc Ravager. But I am currently thinking in wild right now, not in standard.
Pretty sure Clownfish is insane with Gorloc Ravager. We all know what happens when mana discount and card draw reaaally loves each other