Mutanus the Devourer

Card Stats
- Class Neutral
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Legendary
- Cost 7
- Attack 4
- Health 4
Card Text
Battlecry: Eat a minion in your opponent's hand. Gain its stats.
Flavor Text
As long as Naralex stays under the blanket, Mutanus can't get him.
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Mutanus the Devourer Sounds
Play VO_WC_030_Male_Murloc_Play_01
Play HS_LegendaryStinger_MutanusTheDevourer
Attack VO_WC_030_Male_Murloc_Attack_01
Death VO_WC_030_Male_Murloc_Death_01
Mutanus the Devourer Guides
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I really like the idea of this card. The meme's alone would be worth it, but it offers something that isn't seen often.... opponent hand destruction. Whether it wrenches out a killer minion like Lady Liadrin or just a watchpost, it is something that Hearthstone hasn't been using... and for good reason. With other TCGs, hand destruction is the bane of pretty much any and all players. When this grabs something good, regardless of the stats, it is sure to illicit a complaint or two. When it grabs a mediocre minion, in hopes it is something that will give it some health as well.
So that is "What that mouf do" 🥵
I'm sure someone will put this in a Shudder deck for the memes, but it's practically outclassed by Dirty Rat in every way. Maybe if Il'gynoth becomes dominant enough people will play this in Standard.
Is that a toy sailboat he's holding or is this the largest Murloc to date?
Toy sailboat. That dude is actually in Wailing Caverns and is just standard sized boss murloc. Not huge, just dungeon boss humanoid.
This card will be polarizing because people will only remember when it blows them up. Really needs rush to be playable, since it's usually going to be a crappy 7 drop with no impact. Will be funny to get off of random effects, though, I suppose.
Initial reaction: I think the card is awesome! That said, it might be too expensive to really make an impact in the current meta. If it becomes more control or combo oriented, then Mutanus can shine. But right now... maybe if it was 6 mana.
He works as a counter to Taelan Fordring, especially if your opponent has a small hand. Kill Taelan to make them draw a strong minion, then eat the minion with Mutanus… would that work in real life?
Shaman can tutor this guy