This with good Ace Hunter positioning enable to remove big threats free
Yogg's cauldron for the memes!
It have good stats for a 4 mana drop taunt deathrattle. And some 3 mana beasts have good stats too
It's very powerful. And delayed heal is better than direct one imho
With Felosophy this card will be a nightmare 2/4 heal 4. And enables other Soul Fragment cards. Very strong imho
Illidan is still guessing why people hate demon hunters, this card is just another reason for that
New tool for a Rider of Apocalypse OTK
Very good for board pushing strategies, basically free trading and while ace hunter is alive
Killed by the beast(?) behind him
This an Cobalt Spellkin are giving enough fuel for a Ras Frostwhisper, Mozaki, Master Duelist OTK
It seems very slow, and the tokens will not live more than one turn
I will run it on my wild mech hunter, poor Jeeves. He had accomplished his purpose
It's very strong for a spell power deck, and have a potential otk drawing engine
Maybe it will not survive the summoning turn, but you can make your opponent waste resources on removing it
I don't know if it's just ok or if it is a good card?
With all of cheap spells the Ras Frostwhisper and Mozaki, Master Duelist otk is drawing near
I will lol when it gets Lava Burst to your own face
Lol that flavor text, this is actually one of the true necromancy students of the true Scholomance
Gorehowl+ The Coin + Steeldancer
Wet Warrior Dreams
They are pushing the light fantasy to buffing things, that's not always bad, nor good.
This with good Ace Hunter positioning enable to remove big threats free
Yogg's cauldron for the memes!
It have good stats for a 4 mana drop taunt deathrattle. And some 3 mana beasts have good stats too
It's very powerful. And delayed heal is better than direct one imho
With Felosophy this card will be a nightmare 2/4 heal 4. And enables other Soul Fragment cards. Very strong imho
Illidan is still guessing why people hate demon hunters, this card is just another reason for that
New tool for a Rider of Apocalypse OTK
Very good for board pushing strategies, basically free trading and while ace hunter is alive
Killed by the beast(?) behind him
This an Cobalt Spellkin are giving enough fuel for a Ras Frostwhisper, Mozaki, Master Duelist OTK
It seems very slow, and the tokens will not live more than one turn
I will run it on my wild mech hunter, poor Jeeves. He had accomplished his purpose
It's very strong for a spell power deck, and have a potential otk drawing engine
Maybe it will not survive the summoning turn, but you can make your opponent waste resources on removing it
I don't know if it's just ok or if it is a good card?
With all of cheap spells the Ras Frostwhisper and Mozaki, Master Duelist otk is drawing near
I will lol when it gets Lava Burst to your own face
Lol that flavor text, this is actually one of the true necromancy students of the true Scholomance
Gorehowl+ The Coin + Steeldancer
Wet Warrior Dreams
They are pushing the light fantasy to buffing things, that's not always bad, nor good.