Even in uncorrupted form is very strong imho for it's mana cost: Mage secret 3 mana and just 1 mana for a discover effect, it have strong tempo play for 1 mana less on discover.
In it's corrupted version it's 2 secrets (6 mana) and 2 discovers (like 3.5 - 4) mana.
Magcargo I choose you!
I think aggro Warlock can make it with delaying opponent mid range minions, and keeping a constant pressure from board
Get some combo shenanigans wiht Secret Passage, if you are very lucky you can even summon all of the with it
Good for some taunts (hard or soft anyway) and give copies.
Lorewise I think is Madame Lazul replacement as Old Gods Agent
Wow 15 damage if weapon is not destroyed it's a lot.
Very strong card imho
Maybe it's very slow, but is Edwin VanCleef corrupted half-brother
I think a secret hunter in wild will make a lot a scary boards just from the air with this
Any 1 or 2 mana beasts + Tundra Rhino will make an OTK potential.
This card is very easy to corrupt, so you will always get some value of it
5/5 on three bodies and token synergy, maybe it can remove some minion before diying.
With all the tokens that DH have right now, I hope some strong token synergy will come
I think it can be played with a lot of low cost cards in order to take advantage of it, but it's more like a mid-late game card to me.
Incredible OTK potential with some set up
I love how the demon hunters being acrobats for this expansion!
Love the lore reference for their innate agility
Even in uncorrupted form is very strong imho for it's mana cost: Mage secret 3 mana and just 1 mana for a discover effect, it have strong tempo play for 1 mana less on discover.
In it's corrupted version it's 2 secrets (6 mana) and 2 discovers (like 3.5 - 4) mana.
Very strong
"Something's changed in Lotso that day"
8 damage on deathrattle is a lot, and if it manages to survive another 8 to face. Maybe it get played on a deathrattle hunter
I see deathrattle hunter coming again
With Agatha's Scheme, Earthquake, Tidal Wave, etc, etc
Very strong minion, but only can ump to board on turn 7 or more
Battlecry: Give your opponent a Silverhand Recruit
Good aoe tool for a control Shaman, maybe it can get out ouf the trash bin