Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 9 months, 1 week ago
Seems kinda bad, mainly because outcast is pretty hard to trigger for slower decks and the effect is not all that powerfull on its own as Combustion has showed.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 9 months, 1 week ago
If the worst case is that you get a 5/5 with lifesteal for 2 mana, then this makes it a pretty good card in my book. Though definetely slow, but it's not like warlock is lacking early game removel.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 9 months, 1 week ago
8 is a lot. Seem like on of those cases where they originally tried out the card at a lower cost and overshot the nerf. Maybe this is stronger than we think.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 9 months, 1 week ago
The flavor is probably something like him robbing the store together with his crew who are rushing (spawning) into the store (enemy face) before leaving it as quickly as possible (dying). Ok, maybe that's a stretch.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 9 months, 1 week ago
Makes Piranha Launcher look quite old in comparision...well, it's also old without it. As for its upgrade: the synergy is what has the potential to give it a more favorable place in history.
Suchti0352Hero of Warcraft 8901034 PostsJoined 03/27/2019
Posted 9 months, 1 week ago
Temporus, but in not terrible. 5 mana "refill your mana and give your minions charge" is definetely a strong payoff for any board based deck. The condition is what's going to keep in check, at least in standard. I don't want to think about what wild is going to make with this.
Hope they change his name to "Magtheridon, Released" on the 19th.
Seems kinda bad, mainly because outcast is pretty hard to trigger for slower decks and the effect is not all that powerfull on its own as Combustion has showed.
If the worst case is that you get a 5/5 with lifesteal for 2 mana, then this makes it a pretty good card in my book. Though definetely slow, but it's not like warlock is lacking early game removel.
8 is a lot. Seem like on of those cases where they originally tried out the card at a lower cost and overshot the nerf. Maybe this is stronger than we think.
As long as it makes people like the comment above me happy, this is a wortwhile addition to the game if you ask me.
Can't wait to find out how this one is going to break wild.
That's quite a bit of health you can out of this guy. Much needed if big demon hunter is supposed to become a thing.
The flavor is probably something like him robbing the store together with his crew who are rushing (spawning) into the store (enemy face) before leaving it as quickly as possible (dying). Ok, maybe that's a stretch.
Makes Piranha Launcher look quite old in comparision...well, it's also old without it. As for its upgrade: the synergy is what has the potential to give it a more favorable place in history.
One could say that she comes prepared (Preparation), pre-nerf edition. The high initial cost is probably what's going to keep it in check.
The name alone makes it a 10/10 for me. Can't wait to see his animation.
Would be great in a zoo deck, but is not enough of an payoff for the big demon deck it's intended for.
What's better than 2 mana draw 2? 1 mana draw 2ish. Ok, the coin is worth less than a regular card, but it's pretty good nonetheless.
Alright on its own and great with the aforementioned synergies. Though the 2 health makes it not really great for developing a board of your own.
This can really quickly get out of control, reminds me of Whirlkick Master.
This in combination with the new Raza may be enough to push overheal priest into viable territory.
Board based priest decks generally struggle with affordable removel(not to mention one sided ones), so this is a nice addition.
Another 2 mana draw 2, another pretty good card. Assuming that dragon priest is going to be come a thing.
Temporus, but in not terrible. 5 mana "refill your mana and give your minions charge" is definetely a strong payoff for any board based deck. The condition is what's going to keep in check, at least in standard. I don't want to think about what wild is going to make with this.
That's a lot of stats for 7 mana. Taunt and Elusive makes it even better.