We heard you like random cards! Choose a class and get a randomly filled deck of randomly "random" cards... RANDOM!
The Hearthstone time is trolling up a storm by bringing back A Chance Encounter this week. Just go into Tavern Brawl, choose a class, and receive a random deck with cards that do random things. This is the third time we've seen this brawl with the last time being January 2019.
Tell us about your experiences in this week's brawl down below.
I wish they would at least update it, you can't even have any post-witchwood cards in your deck
I love how Illidan wasn't invited since he doesn't have enough RNG.
yet another "out of ideas" brawl...
got the pack in the first try, got lucky there.
Personaly, I like this type of brawls, but only to complete my "Play a class" quests. I don´t have to bother to built a deck for classes I don´t play, just choose premade deck in brawl and play three times, not even need to win.
I just love the restricted formats like the brawl before this one. Why don't they make more of those? :(
I think this can be a new game more in itself.
You could create a mode which rotates monthly, 3-6 expansions/adventures from wild and standard. It could create pocket metas from month to month.
Agreed. I'm hoping the new game mode that's coming with the next expansion is similar to the brawl blocks. Had so much fun with the limited card pool from the Adventure Brawl block
Just reading the description, I'm randomly assuming it'll take me 5 games to get my pack ..!
One and done for me lol. Too much RNG for my tastes.
Everybody is really upset that they can't farm this Tavern Brawl for easy gold as you can do in the constructed ones. I personally had a blast today, losing and then winning some matches - but what's most important, I've played like four Lorewalker Chos, a lots of Madder Bombers, a Void Crusher in a situation where he was actually good, played some Spare Parts and died to an Ancient Curse. This brawl is a nice breather.
How long would a person spend “farming” 100 gold? That’s less than a dollar’s worth of “work”. Imagine if you delivered pizzas for an hour. You could buy like 15 packs
A lot of people are trying to maximise their gold and are f2p either as a principle or because they are unable or don't want to "deliver pizzas" (time constraints, health reasons, no opportunity; also you should know that not everyone lives in the US and earns dollars - an hour of work of a similar level part-time job would earn me 2 packs, not 15). People are definitely farming tavern brawls anytime there is like Battle of Bans, Three Cards, spells costing health instead of mana, because there are roughly two or three superior strategies that obliterate anything else.
Well, at least it's a "level" playing field.
I've got a wonderful idea for a Tavern Brawl! At the beginning of every turn, a Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron is cast! Doesn't that sound fun?
(/s just to be safe)
In all seriousness, I actually think Tavern Brawl (or PVE) is the perfect place for Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron.
Everytime I see it played I can't believe it was printed for standard given how much of an often game deciding RNG cluster bomb it is.
[Hearthstone Card (Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron) Not Found] can create extremely fun games.
I never forget a wild game where my opponents Box first spell draw his whole deck via Myra's Unstable Element and the next spell was Cataclysm followed by 3 card draw spells mixed in killing him.
Was that against me? Because that's always what basically happens to me every time I play that card.
Illidan isn't invited, again :D
I'm going to try to be positive about this brawl. Um. Well. I guess players that don't have a decent collection have just as good a chance as legend players in this one... Look, that's the best I got, ok?
RNG its HS new Meta.