We're getting some new adventure content in Hearthstone starting this month on September 15 with Jaina Proudmoore.
Initially, we'll only be able to run through Jaina's campaign but more classes will be added over the next 12 months until all the stories of our core heroes have been told.
- The content is completely free to play.
- You'll earn a Mage card pack which contains Standard Mage cards for defeating all 8 bosses.
We datamined Scholar Jaina not too long ago so it looks like this is where she came from! The hero will be purchasable starting on September 15 in a special bundle.
Quote From Blizzard Follow Jaina Proudmoore’s journey from scholar to mighty Mage in Hearthstone Book of Heroes, an all-new solo experience! Hearthstone Book of Heroes will bring fresh and FREE single player content over the course of the next 12 months, until the stories for all 10 core Heroes have been told. Defeating all 8 bosses in this linear adventure will reward 1 Mage Pack, containing only Mage cards from Standard!
Well, I shall continue to wait for another dungeon run single player mode.
All the single player adventure modes as of late feel extremly boring with zero to no replay value...
So is this the solo adventure for Scholomance? Cause if so I feel a bit sad by it, this is cool but I was really hoping to be able to go and do some damage inside Scholomance
It might not be. This seems to be separate from expansions, likely with a class getting one each month (perhaps except months where new sets are released, which would help the 10 classes span 12 months). It still looks possible to have a proper SA adventure next month, and I hope we do as the cards themselves don't really address the darker side to the school properly.
Thank you, and I agree we did have a few cards that show the darker side of the school but I feel like they should show a lot more. Also with the fact that they have the Blood herald card yet not the boss it is based off of it made me think we would get (to fight) the actual herald in the adventure mode
I feel that one pack for defeating all 8 bosses is a little cheap, even if it's free.
Ironic that the guy with the Gallywix pic and goblin title is complaining about it being cheap.
Irony aside it does seem a bit small although it seems to keep going for the other heroes and I remember a hunter pack being datamined some time ago so I think each month or whatever we'll get a pack for the hero it focuses on. Plus like you said its free so possibly 9 more packs for each class for free seems good in a long run right?
you're right, it's 10 free packs, which is nice, but the packs pool from what's in the standard rotation, meaning that some classes will have less or more cards to pool from for their class packs.
10 classes = 10 months, we start in September, go to October and November which will have Classic, Year of the Dragon and the current Year of the Phoenix expansions. Then December is when the next expansion will be and new cards will be added to the rotation pool, which will be in January, Febraury and March class packs. April is when the new Year starts, which will remove the Year of the Dragon cards from standard, leaving a new expansion, which will be in the class packs for May and June.
So the first 3 classes will have about 80 cards in the standard rotation pool to draw from. The 4 classes that will have their packs after the next expansion will have like, 130 cards in the rotation pool? Finally the last 3 classes will have less cards in standard rotation to pool from, most classes get 10 new cards, and around the 50 from the leftover rotation so about 60.
What's more, the class packs that are given to us in the next year will have the new standard cards that Blizzard discussed in the AMA last month, so the last 3 classes will potentially have more valuable cards in their packs than the previous classes.
So is this the new game mode they announced back in March?
Nope, the new mode will be PvP.
Nope. This was already announced as a solo content in the Roadmap. Given the Wild bundle, the new game mode will be announced in a month's time.
Thank goodness. I was worried there. I guess I'll hold off on my expectations for another month!
What do I need to do to get the heroes skins
go to the southernmost part of a small English town called Glenrock. There you will meet a man who will introduce himself as "Mr. Porter". He will ask you for the time and you have to answer "it is a bit windy today, isn't it?", after which he will give you a suitcase with a picture of a dove engraved on the handle. The combination for the lock is 2805. In it you will find the 5 dollars you need to buy the damn skin.
Pay money.
I like this. It's a good way to get some class specific cards. I'd be curious if the chances of a Legendary are higher. Probably not . . .
This is a great idea to give the original class heroes a more expanded backstory like what Illidan got in the Ashes of Outland Prologue. Given that the game has long been at the point where it attracts a different audience-- and has more greatly distanced itself as unique from Warcraft-- this is a good way to easily explain who the characters are to people who didn't already know it from WoW lore.
Given Jaina's current state of being, I hope the final battle is her going total badass bananas against all who dare oppose her lol. She has become one of the most powerful people to have ever lived.
Lol, good point. To be fair, she has calmed down a bit again in the BFA story. She went from being super naive about the possibility of peace, to being a hate-filled, vengeance-fulled warmonger, to not finally getting some sense of nuance in between the two. Wanting peace, but not afraid to fight.
True that. I don't play WoW so it was kinda a shock to me how Jaina transformed from being linked romantically to Thrall in warcraft 3 to full Horde-hating, rabid foaming in the mouth boss, complete with white hair to boot.
Funny how she doesn't have a unique line for garrosh or arthas in hearthstone.