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That's the kind of card that will highly benefit Zul'jin's battlecry. Hunter have so little value generators.
The RNG factor is not even hindering my appreciation of the card design
3 mana - get 3 cards like Master's Call. Super Value. Hope we can get something more for Highlander Hunter!
3 mana draw 3 is generally very good, and you're going to get at least 5 mana's worth of stuff from this card (unless they introduce new cheap weapons). Works nicely for even more late game value when you play Zul'jin.
Seems generally worse than Master's Call in any deck that could reasonably use either (particularly in light of the strong new beasts in this set), but it's still probably pretty good in a singleton hunter deck that needs extra value and would otherwise struggle to include a card like Master's Call (because the deck-building constraints are too costly in that style of deck).
Honestly I could see using both in Highlander. Master's Call is great even if your deck isn't all beasts. Never underestimate the power of being able to discover which minion you would like to draw!
... but you aren't drawing anything from your deck, you are generating new additional cards to your hand ; pure value!
Xarkkal, that's a fair point about the highlander decks - given how many good beasts are available, you'd probably have decent odds of triggering it to draw 3, and you might just need it since you'll only have one Tracking and one Hunter's Pack in your deck.
Horus, I know that you're not literally drawing any cards when you play this, but that framing is often a useful way to think about the value of a card that has this kind of card advantage effect. 3 mana is the "best rate" to draw 2 cards (thinking of Arcane Intellect, and 5 mana is the "best rate" for adding three cards to your hand (thinking of cards like Cabalist's Tome and Devour Mind and pre-nerf Nourish), so I agree this card is a lot of value.
That said, the low cost here is probably to offset the lower value of the cards - going back to the other "draw 3" type effects I'm using as examples, in Mage you have lots of synergies with spell casting, in Priest you're getting three cards from your opponent's deck, so synergies are more likely and the power level will be higher than average, and in pre-nerf Druid you'd be getting cards from your deck, which should always be better than random. Headhunter's Hatchet and Eaglehorn Bow both have limited synergies with the other random cards you'll get, but that's about all you'll get from these cards in terms of powerful synergies, and random cards may not play well with your strategy.
You do bring an interesting point by comparing it with different other draw tool, mana for mana, which is a really fair comparative. But as for the limited synergy, I tend to conclude that hunter's arsenal goes hand in hand with both hunter's beast pool and secrets, which makes this 3 cards package deal very interesting. RNG may prevent having a truly useful secret, but chances are good for it to nontheless buff Eaglehorn Bow or for Headhunter's Hatchet to trigger (with or without the add of that extra beast). Anyway around, we can all agree that - at least on paper - it has some valuable potential.
Three cards for three mana is a very good deal, even if they're random. Cabalist's Tome was acceptable and almost doubled the cost of this card.
Card is ridiculously OP. 3 mana, get 3 new cards. Combined with Zuljin, means nutty card generation.
The only way this could be balanced is if the pool of secrets includes at least a poor one (they're all good now), ditto for weapons (will hunter get a crummy weapon?) and beasts (there will probably be quite a few low cost beasts, I'm sure some of which will be mediocre.)
It's a raiding party for Hunter.
Flavor-wise, the random beast should be low-stats because you can't fit more than a small poodle in a pack.
I mean, I'll take an Eaglehorn Bow and a Secret with a rando beast on the side. But if you insist on giving me Rhok'delar, I ain't gonna say no to that either. Really nice card but not sure it's going to find a home. If you want value generation for Zul'jin, there are already plenty better options, such as Dire Frenzy or Unleash the Beast, and if hand refill is what you're after, Master's Call has you covered with more consistency. No doubt a great card but my guess is this will end up being card 29-30 in your deck quite often due to other options being more desirable.
Sweet! .. why does she have troll hands though? She must have one heck of a jab.
Amazing card generation value, with two VERY big downsides:
- Negative tempo
- Does nothing against the no. 1 deck, Cyclone Mage
As such, I fear this card will be irrelevant in most situations. All it does is dilute the pool of useful spells for hunters.
You're assuming Cyclone Mage is still going to be relevant. Another person thinking they have the new meta figured out before the expansion even hits...
It is not A tempo card, it is a late game card like Omega Assembly.
And I really don't understand why most of people evaluates all of the revealed cards in the Light of current top tier decks. They are not designed to counter something. They are meant to be some packages for some decks. At least, not all of them is meant to counter current top tier decks. It is irritative to read "does nothing against cyclone Mage, mech hunter, bomb warrior, control warrior etc." under every revealed card.
It really bothers you so much to play against those decks? So, how did you achieve the rank that you can face always those decks? That means you 're also using those decks. If you really don't want to face those decks, stop using those decks and decrease its popularity by doing your part.
By the Loa of my people!
I swear I saw the exact same card on reddit. Both card name and effect are completely copied lmao.
another 3 mana draw 3 cards for hunter, sure...
I mean...it's good value, but not only random but also...unnecessary...at least for now
Shimmerfly, Marked Shot and Master's Call is already enough card generation, especially with Zul'jin.
Maybe if Highlander Hunter somehow does become a thing it'll run this (by virtue of not having better option) but as of now I don#t see the point. It's like Violet Haze: not bad, but mostly pointless.
I do want to point out that there are currently basically no bad Hunter Weapons or secrets, only average ones.