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This could be game changer with most of Summon rndom 3-drop minion cards frm this and last expansion
Could be useful to jebait someone
This is a game-losing card in both constructed and arena. And yet, it's still a better card, in both design and playability than Desert Obelisk. I will eat my mouse if Desert Obelisk is viable in any way.
Giving your opponent a leg up never seems to work out very well.
This might just be the Magma Rager of the set.
I can literally see no reason why I would give my opponent a free Thaurissan effect for a mediocre stat upgrade. I mean you can't even run it into something to get rid of it since it just comes back a second time, which means unless your opponent is so threatened by a vanilla 5/4 that they go out of their way to remove it you're giving them at least 2 turns of free ramp.
Hell if someone played this against me I would try to keep it alive for as long as possible and play ahead of curve for free.
Unironically just play Mukla if you need an overstatted 3-drop.
At best it's a decent result to get from a random evolution or that new Warlock Vulture and even then it probably backfires harder than Doomsayer from Piloted Shredder
Heynyou can make 4 copies of this to get otked by Archmage Antonidas
Blizzard seriously overestimates what giving a minion slightly above-average stats does for the minion.
Arcane Golem, Booty Bay Bookie, Cornered Sentry, Fel Reaver, Gravelsnout Knight, Hecklebot, Hoarding Dragon, Hungry Dragon, Hungry Ettin, King Mukla, Marsh Drake, Nat, the Darkfisher, Soldier of Fortune, The Beast, Bittertide Hydra, Emerald Hive Queen, Venture Co. Mercenary, Keening Banshee, and Felguard are some examples of overstated minions that are really just bad. some of these cards see play in arena, but they are pretty sad when played in constructed, blizzard needs to lower the downside the these kinds of minions, they are all bad.
Why did you mention all of the OP arena cards?
OP? Not even in the slighest lol, these cards are still pretty bad/mediocre in Arena
Bittertide Hydra bad ?
Arcane golem was premium before the heavy nerf. Hydra, cornered sentry, hecklebot and fel reaver actually saw competetive play as a tech choice or even staple in tier 1/2 decks too. And tbh constructed is not the only play mode. Most of these are pretttttty good arena cards. Not all the cards are printed to see constructed play, there will always be memes, arena cards and obvious pack fillers.
Firstly Cornered Sentry is often played in wild dmh warrior, Fel Reaver has seen play, Hecklebot and Bittertide Hydra have seen a lot of play.
More importantly, it's a design decision to make the game not feel terrible to play. After totem golem and 4 mana 7/7 they found that over-stated minions played on curve is just really boring to play against and extra depressing if you don't happen to have the correct removal in hand. Personally I find the cards that do see play such as cornered sentry to be balanced, as they are useful in some situations but don't show up in every game.
Hard to imagine a deck that wants Generous Mummy. It's a lot of early tempo, but so is Marsh Drake and its drawback is much easier to deal with for classes that want to capitalize on early tempo. The reborn effect might be a boon to keep the tempo going, but making your opponents cards cost 1 less means enemy AoE is coming in earlier to clean up your board. Where this might be useful is as a tech card for aggro mirrors, where you expect your opponent will play out their hand early and get very little benefit from this, or maybe in some Paladin aggro deck that wants to use Rebuke to mitigate the benefit to your opponent long enough to get a win.
There's a few cards that summon 3-Cost minions so this certainly weakens the pool
Nice package filler. Looking forward to opening 20 of those in 50 packs.
So weak against card generating decks like Mage or Rogue or in wild druids too, it also can trigger OTK decks for your opponent much faster if it's on board on wrong turn.
And you will most likely not play Generous Mummy, cause you just made your opponents hand way cheaper for at least 1-2 turn.
Even Millhouse Manastorm seems more viable cause his effect is only for one turn and only spells too, even better if he is summoned than Generous Mummy.
If Generous Mummy gets stalled for more than 2 turns, your are in a bad position
I can only see this go aggressive at turn 3(2 with coin), and hope that your opponent doesn't abuse it.
Best case scenario is if gets silenced at same turn or ASAP
Co-op brawl card lol
This is going to be a good Arena card. That is a LOT of stats for 3 mana. It's comparable to Soldier of Fortune which is a really good card in Arena.
Unplayable in Constructed though.
This into Treachery. Why would I do that? I do not know yet. But I will try.
I had the same idea