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Can this card work in mill Rogue ?
This is better on curve than Ticket Scalper, so may see play in some Hooktusk decks. Deathrattle is a downside in this case, but don’t underestimate the power of forcing your opponent to play around the effect
Hm... Interesting, but deathrattle can backfire
Sahket Sapper is an interesting anti-aggro tool - trades with one or two minions and then bounces another - and the fact that it's a deathrattle fits reasonably well with Anka, the Buried (maybe with a Mecha'thun win condition). Deathrattle Rogue has a lot of interesting pieces, but as always it's never clear that this deck has enough gas, or more power than a standard tempo/combo Rogue.
Eh, its okay, but I don't know where you would put this.
In Arena, I expect it to be pretty good. Think of a "Deathrattle: Destroy a random enemy minion." Pretty much the same usage, but the idea is to use the tempo gain from the Sap effect to wreck your opponent, which Rogues can easily accomplish.
This is all assuming the Rogue is in the lead (which they usually are). From behind or going second, this card becomes quite bad because it allows your opponent to use good battlecries again, but the stalling aspect cannot be overlooked.
She's a Pirate, she has deathrattle, she has a decent effect. Not overpowering but the card should fit in a variety of Rogue decks.
I'm not convinced it's that good. Other than the useful (if probably inconsistent) synergies with Necrium Blade and the new Anka, the Buried, this just seems like a less flexible Kidnapper to me.
This seems pretty good to me just because of all the trouble your opponent has to go through to play around this
Damn its a pirate. Party will fetch this and the DR weapon. Will give that a try. Party on 2, weapon on 3, this on 4 and have the weapon proc it. Nice tempo ;) Not sure if it will beworth.
If rogue had a cheap way of activating deathrattles it would be a very good card. It’s ok on it’s own, would be good against aggro. If they don’t trade into this you can possibly have a good tempo swing next turn.
Captain Hooktusk. Unfortunately by itself it's quite weak without Rush.
Well, there is Necrium Blade, but there are situations where giving your opponent a minion back isn't always a good thing. Battlecry minions being the primary example. Maybe if you could trigger the effect several times and clear the board (without triggering any enemy Deathrattles) it could see some use (Da Undatakah would also inherit the Deathrattle) but other than that it feels a bit risky.
As long as Sap isn‘t hall of famed, this card has no use. To much trouble for a random effect that can backfire under opponents control.
Spicy arena card though!
Edit: Great addition for potential Captain Hooktusk decks though! On the other hand, a buff to the Hooktusk turn is not what the deck needs.
Underwhelming...you know the opponent will trade smart and return powerful battlecries to their hand. Not having rush makes this meh
Anti-big priest..unfortunate that Preparation got nerfed.. prep+Necrium Vial would've made this a sweet turn
first thought, cause its DR its shet.
on second thought , pretty good with the weapon Necrium Blade tempowise.
but it to be good , almost everytime need to cheat DR effect, on its own pretty bad, easy to play around, could even backfire
Anub'ar Ambusher cries in a corner.
Basically, everyone is crying in the corner. Welcome to the new expansions with high powerlevel cards.
Comparable to Sylvanas Windrunner. Not sure if equally good.
On a sidenote: why are all Rogue cards female?!?