Hearthstone Designer Iksar was out on reddit talking to the community when he confirmed that once the Christmas holidays are over, he and the rest of the team will be getting back to work and one of the first things they are going to talk about is game balance.
The answer comes from a request for Blizzard to deal with Evolve Shaman, one of the strongest decks, if not the strongest, in Standard right now. Although we don't have an exact timing or details of changes, it looks like there's a patch planned for 3 weeks from now focusing on duels content which would be a great time to push in some card balance as well.
If you were in charge of balance changes, what cards would you change and how would you change them? Let us know in the comments below!
Quote From Iksar Can you fix evolve shaman which is ruining your primarily game mode before putting work into a minor achievement bug plsthx
We'll look at game balance when we get back in the office on Monday.
edwin is and always was the main culprit. they may just remove it from standard next exp.
Yeah Edwin is a big offender right now, but with the Evergreen overhaul in 3 months I suspect he'll be touched.
And that betetr be HOF and not a nerf cause a nerf for classic card in generaly a death sentance and the card isnt a issue in wild liek at all. and never has been and as for what wild si for id like to be able to play with odl deck/cards as they where
Boggspine Knuckles will hopefully take a well deserved hit