A few hours ago Blizzard released Patch 19.2.1, which gave us important news for the Standard metagame: nerfs!

The community has been patiently waiting for balance changes and after than a week from Blizzard's return to work from the Christmas holidays, they delivered a surprise patch hitting the two most powerful archetypes. We're confident the meta will at the very least become more vary, while we do not think Rogue and Shaman will fall in misery.

Now, without further ado, let's talk separately about each balance change that hit Edwin VanCleef and Boggspine Knuckles.

The Edwin VanCleef Nerf

Edwin VanCleef Card Image

Cost increased from 3 to 4.

The meme about Edwin dodging balance changes started in 2017. Since then, this minion has been a powerful inclusion in every Rogue deck that has ever touched the top of the meta. With the right hand, Edwin VanCleef is able to generate a massive amounts of stats in the early game which is hard, if not impossible, to deal with such a threat. You, like us, have very likely experienced this scenario of not having the resources or needing to expend many resources to deal with him, to much frustration.

If Edwin has always been a very powerful card, why is Blizzard finally nerfing it now? The answer resides in the Rogue cards released in the last expansion; Madness at the Darkmoon Faire provided Valeera two extremely useful cards - Swindle and Foxy Fraud (which I personally expected to be nerfed instead of Edwin). In particular, the former was good enough for people to recraft Preparation from its nerf in 2019, while the latter had insane synergy with Shadowstep and, obviously, Edwin.

I think no one can say Edwin did not deserve this change, but at least we know for sure that this coming April, he'll be unnerfed and Hall of Famed. We're happy to see Rogue take a hit!

The Boggspine Knuckles Nerf

Boggspine Knuckles Card Image

Attack decreased from 4 to 3.

A change we knew was coming, we just were uncertain about its entity. This nerf brings two big consequences:

First of all, the damage.

Assuming a Shaman player runs 2 Boggspine Knuckles and 2 Hoard Pillager, he'll be able to swing their weapon 8 times in a single game, for a total of 32 damage (this without counting all the Evolve shenanigans happening in the meantime). Now, with 3 attack, the average Shaman player will be able to deal at best 24 damage, and therefore he'll be forced to find lethal somewhere else.

The next issue Shamans are going to face with the nerf is that a 3 Attack weapon no longer allows you to play Dread Corsair for free. This card allowed you to push damage/trade a minion, set up a Desert Hare Evolve turn, and get a free 5-drop at the same time. No more of that!

Both these consequences lead to the same conclusion: Evolve Shaman will survive this change, but it will take Thrall a couple more turns to seal the game. This, obviously, will allow other strategies to flourish and have more time in order to stabilize the game. I'm not sure Shamanstone is over, but this is certainly a step in the right direction.

What do you think about these changes? Do you think the meta will change at least a bit? Let us know in the comments.