Having trouble finding games? An unfortunate error has popped up with the launch of Forged in the Barrens and it is preventing you from finding games in Standard and Wild.
The issue is due to opponents you have been matched against having Core Set cards in their decks. We're expecting a speedy resolution from Blizzard but there is not currently an ETA on a fix.
Update: Blizzard is also investigating issues with Classic Packs not granting Hall of Fame cards.
Update 2: Remove Golden Core Set cards from your deck as a workaround. You will still encounter an issue if opponents have them, but it will lessen the chance.
Update 3: Fix is going out everywhere. 10:24 PM Eastern
Quote From Kerfluffle (NEW) A bug where queueing for ranked Standard or Wild can fail if you or the opponent you’re matching with has Core Set cards in their deck.
Quote From Chris Sierra Workaround: Remove Golden Core Set cards from your deck!
Quote From cmdylux Hey! Going to hijack the sticky here. We just released a hotfix addressing the matchmaking error for Standard, Wild, Duels, and Casual. It might take a little while for this to deploy across all regions, but once it has you should be able to queue for these modes without issue. Also, a fix for Secrets from the Core Set not being Discoverable from Ringling's Rifle and Ring Toss went out at the same time.
I understand a lot of people are frustrated with all the bugs. Unfortunately these things can happen to any software company. The internal environments that the QA teams test on might not match live/production. And most times, QA teams can't test on the live servers coz that involves more setup/hoops to go through.
No... I will not abandon the golden cards. No one can match against me, no one can stop me now!
Haaaahhaaa!!! You go with your bad self!!
I am happy I came here to get this info from you guys before launching the game. I have learned to make a habbit of this before new expansions because of past issues. I just got home from work. I will hold off on opening my classic packs until the issue is resolved. Are Barren's packs working well? Oh, and to the people who took off of work today, I understand your excitement; but after the disasterous Diablo 3 launch you should've known better.
This is a simple hiccup compared to the D3 launch... hicc!
Well, its not like it wasn't expected. Big patch = big bugs. Hopefully they clear this up quickly, and maybe compensate us for this day one deluge of bugs? Don't hold your breath, its quite unlikely.
At the moment, Im able to connect to games using non-golden core cards. If you have a golden core card in your deck list chances are good you'll meet with the usual 'unable to connect' message. You got to be really careful when picking your the core cards, I mean there's currently four sets of the same card (2 golden from your collection, 2 awarded from core) currently hanging in the collection book.
Reading posts from around the internet, bugs are swarming everywhere. Classic packs lacked Hall of Fame cards, now they are disabled, matchmaking doesn't work with golden cards, some individual cards are buggy (Scorch deals 3 for some reason, Rinling's Rifle can cast only 2 secrets, etc.), some Shaman skins have the new totem, some don't, Practice mode doesn't work, etc. It's a real shame that QA did not do its proper job. I know they have home office, but some of these are extremely basic issues that most of the playerbase will encounter. I hope they are able to fix these ASAP.
Removing the golden cards worked for me and i was able to get into enough games to get the 5 ranked wins. You need a lot of patience and this isn't really acceptable. Also, i opened my classic packs and didn't obtain any of the Hall of Fame cards. I even got a golden legendary from the golden pack but it turned out to be Hogger. I don't know if there was a possibility of Ragnaros or Sylvanas showing up but if that was the case then i can't do anything other than feel bad about it.
I discovered a new bug: Ring Toss only allows me to pick between Rigged Faire Game, Oasis Ally and Netherwind Portal, so it seems secrets from the core set are not in the discovery pool. It might be the case with other discover cards as well.
Like... these are very basic bugs... how that they were not tested??
Those bugs didn't appear in the pre-release streamer event, so it's save to assume that there are some unintendet behaviors specifically on the live servers.
that would explain why ringlings rifle only offers two secrets
There is also a bug with Classic packs kept over from old brawls - I wanted to open them on launch day along with the new ones but they do not work. I flick the pack to the opening spot and nothing happens.
I guess they willl refund at least partially these pack
Strictly using non golden expansion cards and still nothing. This is unacceptable.. free packs anyone?
It has nothing to do with golden cards. I've been able to get games with a deck from last expansion and two games later all of a sudden the deck stops working.
Yeah I just got 1 game in and won, no star awarded, and back to getting an error. Not using any core cards or goldens.
They could easily roll out an in-game message to inform us that they are working on a fix and in the meantime don't use golden core cards in your deck.
If you are lucky and get matched against people who are reading the news/hate golden cards, it's working fine.
EDIT: I just got a Spell Damage totem playing Standard Ranked. Wtf?
The game is literally unplayable. I don't mean literally unplayable the way a salty person would describe the meta, I have not been able to get into a game. The only golden card in my deck is legendary so I do not want to downgrade it (FiTB). I try to stay positive but this is the first time I have ever been so frustrated by the game. I took a day off for this.