We may be seeing more hero choices in our pools when the next season of Wizard Duels begins!

Disclaimer: Datamined information is always subject to change as it has not been officially confirmed by Blizzard.

We've datamined a change to "Wizard Duels, III" in the client which changes the number of heroes that will be available for picking when you start a new run. Up until today, the maxHeroesDrafted variable, which controls how many heroes we can choose from when a run begins, was set to the usual 4. Today's update has suspiciously increased this number to 10, which is the same number of heroes that are currently available for play in Duels.

A big change up could be expected considering the Beta status of Duels.

This change seems like a no brainer, at least in the casual side of Duels. If there is a particular class you want to play right now in Casual Duels, and it doesn't appear, there is no real penalty, MMR reduction aside, for starting the run and retiring immediately to give yourself another go at getting the class you want. This issue could inflate others scores since they end up with free wins in the mode.

But Mom, I don't want to play any of these Heroes!

Changing over to allowing players to select from the full hero pool would completely counter the above problem and make the mode more accessible to players. With that said, we're not sure if the Heroic side, which uses an entry fee system, should also have the same changes. Having the small hero pool to choose from on the Heroic side can make these Duels more challenging to pull off great runs, much like the limited hero selection in Hearthstone's Arena.

Reaching Out to Blizzard

I reached out to Ates "Tabayrak" Bayrak, our usual source of Duels information from the Hearthstone team, and they were unable to confirm anything about the datamining (as expected). All we got was some awkward side-eye action, so unfortunately we'll just have to wait and see if this is going to be announced in the future or it was something that was being played around for testing with and mistakenly pushed to live.

Would you play Duels more if you could choose from all 10 heroes? Share your thoughts on the datamined information in the comments below.