We've had a handful of hotfixes today for Hearthstone and its time to see what's been going on with them!
- These are the last planned hotfixes for this patch cycle.
- We are getting patch notes for next week's 12.6 patch this week.
- Next week we will be receiving communications surrounding Mercenaries.
- A hack that allowed players to cheat more than 6 Mercenaries into their party has been fixed.
- MMR problems with the Fighting Pit have been resolved.
- Win Trading in the Mercenaries Fighting Pit isn't going to be as efficient as wins now only count toward your daily rewards if you defeat three or more enemy Mercenaries.
You can find the full post from Blizzard down below.
Quote From Blizzard 10/26 Update: We deployed a small server-side hotfix today to address an issue preventing Mercenaries MMR from properly adjusting after players lose a game at 0 MMR (such as players who lost their first-ever Fighting Pit game). The patch also prevents a hack that allowed players to cheat more than 6 Mercenaries into their Party. This is our last planned hotfix for the 21.4 patch cycle. Look out for future updates in the 21.6 Patch Notes, coming later this week, ahead of next week’s patch!
10/26 Update 2: We have temporarily disabled Toki from Battlegrounds due to a bug with some of her skins. We are preparing a fix and will reenable her once we are able to get the hotfix in to correct the bug.
10/26 Update 3: We’ve rolled out a server-side hotfix that addresses exploits in the Fighting Pit rewards system that players were abusing through wintrading. Going forward, wins will only count towards Fighting Pit daily rewards if you defeat three or more enemy Mercenaries. This change will not affect how MMR is calculated after a win, regardless of how many enemies were defeated.
Separately, we see that many players are excited about Mercenaries. We wanted to let you know that we are working on a bigger Mercenaries communication update that we have planned for next week.
Most players don't even know that they made this change, so active trolling shouldn't be an issue.
If only they added something in-game that could notify players of what they're doing. Something like a mailbox. Nah. That couldn't work.
But many just concede after two mercs were nuked, because there is no coming back for them. This is a "Fix" that hurts everybody, not just the wintraders.