In a statement on his blog, Brian Kibler has announced that he will no longer be casting the Hearthstone Grandmasters finals at this year's BlizzCon.
After Blizzard banned Blitzchung from Grandmasters and removed his prize earnings for a political statement made on the weekend during Grandmasters, Brian Kibler has dropped out of casting the grand finals. He states he is no longer comfortable casting the event and will not be casting Grandmasters in the future unless something changes.
This high-profile disagreement comes after American University held up a "Free Hong Kong" sign during the Hearthstone Collegiate tournament, resulting in disabled cameras for the rest of the matches (stream clip), and someone at Blizzard covered up the "Think Globally" and "Every Voice Matters" portions of the Orc Statue on Blizzard's Irvine Campus.
Read on for the relevant part of Brian's statement, with the full text available here.
Quote From Brian Kibler I won’t pretend to understand either the intricacies of the geopolitical situation in China and Hong Kong or the full extent of Blizzard’s business interests there, but to me this penalty feels like it is deeply rooted in both. The heavy-handedness of it feels like someone insisted that Blizzard make an example of Blitzchung, not only to discourage others from similar acts in the future but also to appease those upset by the outburst itself.
That kind of appeasement is simply not something I can in good conscience be associated with. When I learned about the ruling, I reached out to Blizzard and informed them that I no longer feel comfortable casting the Grandmasters finals at BlizzCon. I will not be a smiling face on camera that tacitly endorses this decision. Unless something changes, I will have no involvement in Grandmasters moving forward.
However, I want to make clear that not everyone involved in GM has this luxury. Do not take your anger out on the other casters, or streamers, or employees of Blizzard. This is not the kind of decision that comes from the rank and file. Most likely they’re just as angry as you are. I know I am.
good on him, recognizing he's in a position where he can actually do this and going through with it
Oh? No accusations of hobby activism or futility like you had for all of us yesterday?
because unlike you wastes of air and ressources he actually makes an impact by making a decision that actively affects the public image.
But hey, keep being salty about being told the truth you hack.
people aren't wasting air sharing their views on this matter. It may not be saving lives but it does raise awareness. Imagine if no one ever did anything in response to this, nothing would happen if no one said anything. It is only through actual actions like Kibler's that make a difference, but those actions need to be inspired by words.
Also, this thing that happened is a thing, and therefore people will talk about it.
yeah sure, I bet the thousands of imprisoned Chinese will really benefit from the inbred Reddit mob having a shitfit for like 3 days. Pat yourself on the back, you really did it this time.
At least Kibler stepped down because he was an actual employee. Meanwhile everyone else just pretends to be relevant when they aren't at all.
Holy crap, at first I thought Akira was just sniping, but then I read back through your comment from yesterday. Petulant, immature, and needlessly combative words. He's not the hack, man, you are.
Take your anger out on the anonymous boards, okay, but I sure hope you don't take that hate out on the folks in your real life.
nah, that would imply that I have nearly as much respect for this cesspool as I have for actual functioning human beings.
Then why are you wasting your words here? Sounds like you enjoy splashing around in the sewage. You like being here or you wouldn't be here.
Yeah. I'm sure your chastising everyone because they think differently did so much for convincing anyone, much less bettering the world we live in.
Give your head a shake and look in the mirror, sport. Your sense of self importance appears to be a gross inflation of what it actually is.
alright, I'll spell it out once more for you mothbreathers. Boycotting Blizzard does FUCK ALL to actually solve the issue. Do you even know why Blizzard bows to China? Because if they didn't their games would be outright BANNED meaning they'd lose an ASTRONOMICAL AMOUNTOF REVENUE. They absolutely cannot afford to piss off China. If anything your impotent flailing will only encourage them, since they have nothing more to gain on the western market, so they'll just pander to China even harder.
If you want to make a difference then stop consuming actual chinese products and not a free game from an american company you worthless dollar store Batman.
Yeah, we're all SUPER sure you're boycotting all Chinese products. And China definitely noticed one moron on the Internet pretending he's boycotting their manufacturing - what an amazing difference you've made.
Blizzard cares a LOT MORE about the uproar in their player base than China does about your fake boycott that you're not even actually taking part in. Stop being a coward online and start speaking up for what's right instead of chastising people who are braver than you.
ofc I'M not doing any of that... I'M NOT THE ONE PRETENDING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Jesus I swear you were all dropped on your head as a baby.
I'm calling all you grovelling shitweasels out for being hypocritical weaklings who pretend to be all principled and righteous while doing nothing of value and patting each other on the back. You're the exact kind of vermin that allows all this shit to happen by propagating the idea that this "internet activism" actually has an effect other than fellating your ego.
You're a fraud and weak. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else and I hope your eventual demise is a visually ironic one. Go to hell where you and all the other wannabe revolutionaries belong and come back when you're not just a self-congratulatory worm whose only purpose in life is to make themselves feel like they did something of value.
LOL. WOW there salty.
Most of your maelstrom of loathing, bitterness and generally shitty human behaviour doesn't merit much of a response.
I'll leave it at this; You are nowhere near as good, impactful or important as you see yourself. And karma is a real bitch. You want to wish bad things on people for disagreeing with your opinions? What a sad little life you must lead. Life has a way of catching up with folks who act the way you do.
Enjoy wasting your time in a community that you apparently hate.. and judging by the response, we don't seem to like you either.
dude, please, Just stop before you hurt yourself.
I have nothing but contempt for you
Well, thank you for your honesty? ¯\_( '_' )_/¯
Carefully, he's a hero
Well expressed without seeking to inflame the situation even more nor place blame on people who don't deserve it.
Nice one Brian.
I have no problem with the people of any country (excepting individuals or groups maybe), sadly that doesn't always extend to the governments/power structures of them though.
Kibler did the right thing, in the right way.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said by American University, not in the sense that their message is outright wrong, but because their sign included "boycott Blizzard" in it. With those words, Activision-Blizzard can strip them of any winnings they might get from the tournament aleging "boycott Blizzard" as the reason to do so. A sign with just "free Hong Kong" would have the exact same effect without a scapegoat for Activision-Blizzard to pry on.