Here we go again with another round of hotfixes headed our way. This will actually be a short post as it's only a few Battlegrounds-related changes, and we've already announced the nerfs coming to Tickatus a couple days ago. They just happened to arrive even sooner than expected. For reference:

Battlegrounds Game Designer Dom Calkosz gave us a proper heads-up earlier in the week, and now the changes are here with a simple reasoning behind them:

Quote From DeckTech
Team's wrapping up a Battlegrounds-focused hotfix to fix a bug and some unhealthy play patterns.

Quote From Blizzard

2/18 Update: We are in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix with the following Battlegrounds changes:

  • Establishes a rule that Tickatus can only get one Ice Block per game, like Akazamzarak.

  • Makes it so that Ticket Collector (Tickatus’s Buddy) can no longer Discover the “Raise the Stakes” Prize (which was being used to return the Ticket Collector to your hand in order to get more Prizes, especially with Brann).

  • Fixes a bug where Golden Eclipsion Illidari (Illidan’s Buddy) did not give “Immune while Attacking” to your second minion to attack.

Server-side hotfix = no patching required on the player's side. 

Ticket Collector Card Image Raise the Stakes Card Image 

Big Winner! Card Image Ice Block Card Image

Brann Bronzebeard might be incosolable, but hopefully this makes for a more welcoming tavern for everyone else. 

Illidan Stormrage and his buddy did see a nerf to their power recently with the Patch 22.2.2., but this bug has made life even harder for them for a while. 

That's about it for now, we'll undoubtedly hear if there is more on the horizon. Do you agree with the Tickatus adjustments?