All the new Paladin cards for Voyage to the Sunken City have been revealed and in this article we're going to discuss how they will impact Wild in general and any specific decks they can fit into.
Here is how the cards will be rated:
- 5 stars means a card that can see a lot of play in meta defining and powerful decks
- 4 stars means a card that can see some play in the best decks and a lot of play in slightly less competitive meta decks
- 3 stars means a card that can see some play in less optimal meta decks or is good for some off meta decks
- 2 stars means a card that can see play in any deck, even if it's a very niche or weak archetype
- 1 star means a card that won't see any play at all
The Leviathan
Our Wild Rating
The Leviathan can be great for slower Mech Paladins and Reno Paladins with N'Zoth, God of the Deep, which can both be good decks after the expansion. It deals 8 immediate damage, discovers a card from your deck with extra synergy with sunken cards, and has mech synergy.
Kotori Lightblade
Our Wild Rating
A lot of aggressive Paladin decks play Holy spells including Hand of A'dal and potentially Blessing of Authority. Kotori Lightblade can be a good 2 cost minion to get from Call to Arms in those decks, with it having decent stats and a powerful upside with repeating a spell if you manage to get this effect off.
The Garden's Grace
Our Wild Rating
There aren't enough Holy spells in the most common and strongest Paladin decks to play The Garden's Grace, so it will only see play in niche decks.
Radar Detector
Our Wild Rating
2 mana draw 5. Yes, it won't always happen like this, but even 2 mana draw 4 is incredible and 2 mana draw 3 is like a Book of Specters, still considered a very good card. Radar Detector is going to solve Mech Paladin's issue of running out of pressure, while also creating large hand sizes early which make all your handbuffs more valuable. This is one of the most powerful cards in the entire expansion and will see play in Mech Paladin in Wild, and this will be one of the key cards boosting its power level high enough to make it meta.
Azsharan Mooncatcher
Our Wild Rating
Azsharan Mooncatcher is good by itself in a Mech Paladin, but take into the account the synergy with Sunken Mooncatcher and it is very powerful, even for Wild. Seafloor Savior, handbuffed, can discover it from your deck and handbuff it, and when drawn you can handbuff it even more for extra power. In addition, Radar Detector will get it from your deck.
Shimmering Sunfish
Our Wild Rating
Shimmering Sunfish can be ok in a Handbuff Paladin that plays plenty of Holy spells, but this is probably not the best way to build the deck, and outside of that this is not good enough to see play.
Holy Maki Roll
Our Wild Rating
Agressive decks don't want Holy Maki Roll, and Control decks have better healing available.
Immortalized in Stone
Our Wild Rating
Immortalized in Stone is not bad due to having 14 hp of stats of Taunt, but it's too slow for Wild to stop Aggro and doesn't go into any decks because of a lack of synergy.
Our Wild Rating
Compare Bubblebot to Enhance-o Mechano. This has better stats and an effect you can predict, along with the most useful buff of Divine Shield. Very good card to give all your mechs Divine Shield and Taunt to win the board against other Aggro decks.
Seafloor Savior
Our Wild Rating
Seafloor Savior has extra synergy with handbuffs and getting the Sunken Mooncatcher from Azsharan Mooncatcher.
Overall Set Score
Sunken City Wild Paladin
This will have a very large impact on Paladin, just because of how good Mech Paladin can be.
What do you think about the new Paladin cards and how they'll do in the Wild format? Let us know in the comments below!
More Wild Reviews for Voyage to the Sunken City
We've been hard at work preparing additional insights into the new Voyage to the Sunken City cards with a Wild spin. Check out all the classes released so far down below.
More From Year of the Hydra
Blizzard has plenty of new information to share about Year of the Hydra including the remaining cards for Voyage to the Sunken City.
- All 46 New Voyage to the Sunken City Card Reveals
- All Card Flavor Text for the Voyage to the Sunken City Hearthstone Expansion
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- Open a Voyage to the Sunken City Pack in our Pack Opener
Those arguments about the holy cards give me a bad "circular logic" vibe :
There's currently no good holy decklist -> Therefore its not worth giving those new holy spell a thought -> Therefore none will be given -> Therefore no good holy decklist will emerge -> Therefore its not worth giving those new holy spell a thought -> [Rince and repeat]
It's not the most constructive line of reasoning :-/
Aren't you overrating the Mechs? All the 5* cards have a battlecry, while in current meta the anti-battlecry tech card (forgot the name) is very popular right now.
You mean Nerub'ar Weblord? If that card is still popular after voyage releases (Which it definitely will), you can just play the deck without all the new battlecry mechs just fine.
I have a huge feeling that Radar Detector is going to carry that deck hard alongside cost reduction mechs.
Ok. Hear me out.
The Last Kaleidosaur
Pretty flunk rating on Holy Maki Roll IMO. Not only that it's just half of Witch's Brew, it also combos very well with Wild Pyromancer as a backup in case you don't have Equality. I'd give it at least 3 Stars.
Also I just saw Dane play it with Eydis Darkbane so 1 more star because of that.