With the release of the Hearthstone Battlegrounds Beta to the public, many of you will have just begun to get to grips with the new heroes.
Those of you who got early access will know that Blizzard has already made balance adjustments to the mode - and there's plenty more to come! With four new classes already planned, Mike Donais has taken to Reddit to ask for suggestions to inspire future heroes. What - or who - would you like to see enter the mode in the future?
Quote From Mike Donais Now that Battlegrounds is in open Beta we intend to keep releasing new heroes, in fact we have 4 releasing next week!
Post your favorite new ideas for Battelgrounds Heroes in this thread and inspire us based on your designs!
When designing Heroes we try to have some in a lot of different categories, feel free to design whatever you are excited about. I am going to list the some design categories because it might inspire ideas.
Thematic Based - Like Mukla giving you bananas or Ragnaros shooting fireballs that deal 8.
Clear Build Around = Gain a bonus for buying beasts, mechs, murlocs, demons, taunt, deathrattle, battlecry, divine shield. Similar to Jaraxxus or Mukla.
Simple Clean Designs: Bartendotron, Patchwerk, Pyramad.
High Skill cap: Like Dancin Daryl or Shudderwock.
Fun story moments: Yogg, Akazamzarak.
You can see the existing heroes at playhearthstone.com/battlegrounds
Play a few games of Battlegrounds first to understand what might be fun and post here. I will check it all week so no rush.
How exactly do we submit our ideas? I don't think it says in the blue post. Should I just leave me idea on my below comment? Or should I go to reddit? Or something else?
Head here: https://www.reddit.com/r/customhearthstone/comments/dvi0iw/design_the_next_cool_hero_for_battlegrounds/
M.C. Tech
Health (44)
Hero Power (4) - Teleportal: At the start of next combat, if the battlefield is full, swap center minions with your opponent.
White King (from the chess brawl)
Passive hero power: You always get the first attack.
I chose to make Kel'Thuzad, because it doesn't seem right that he would just be the "I'm dead" portrait :/
Your minions get first crack at the table, while the enemy thaws out. Freezing enemy minions would stall cards like Foe Reaper 4000, Cave Hydra, and Zapp Slywick. It would also slow down Deathrattle minions, especially the throw-away kind that want to die first.
Yeah, they should replace dead players' portraits with Lich Baz'hial, who's actually dead (for now) after they added the four new heroes :P
Plus, no one knows who he is, at least compared to Kel'Thuzad.
Houndmaster Shaw. 40 hp.
(Passive)Best Beasts for Life; Skip your first two turns. Start the game with a random animal companion.
(3g or 4g) Release the Hounds; Give a beast Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 hounds.
Darius Crowley. 40 hp.
(2g) Front Line Commander; Equip a 4/2 Saber. Your hero is immune while attacking. (would use up all durability)
(3g or 4g) Cannon Line; Give your minions deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to the minion(s) across.
Chen Stormstout
3 mana HP
Return a minion to your hand. (There has to be a hand size limit though then to prevent hoarding or add: that hasn't been returned this game)
Genn and Baku:
Odd/Even cost minions have +1/+1
Lili Stormstout:
Minions you buy without tribe have +1/+2
I really like chen stormstout! Sometimes I buy a battlecry minion (such as defender of argus) and I want to just trigger the battlecry and then sell him, but I don't have room. I would really like to have a way to return minions to your hand.
Kangor, hero power "Give a friendly minion without this effect 'after this survive damage heal this by two".
Elite Tauren Chieftain. Make his hero power "brawl" but call it "mosh pit"
Leeroy seems like an obvious choice.
The idea is that with your opponent having two 1/1's you would probably lose the first 2 combats, but in compensation for that you would be able to spend the first few turns building up a bigger board.
Later in the game your opponent wouldn't have room for the extra 1/1's, but also having one more tavern tier would be less important.
Glacial Shard
1 cost hero power - freeze a random enemy at the start of combat.
Would be good to randomly prevent one of the enemies from attacking into your stuff, and somewhat balanced because of the randomness. Honestly, i'm not sure if it would have much of an impact, but would be interested to see.
Imgur is having issues atm but mine is
Xol, The Unscathed
40 hp
Hero Power: Beam Of Confusion (2 gold)
Sell a random minion to Bob's Tavern. Recruit a random minion from Bob's Tavern.
Allows a token style early game and plays into trading up a tier for a lower one. Hard to try and keep consistent especially if trying to stack a 3 of a certain mob. Ideal early tokens Alleycat and Murloc Tidehunter.
Um... sorry to say, but the game already works this way. If you have 2 gold, you can sell a minion of your choice to Bob for 1 gold, and then buy a minion *of your choice* for 3. Why would you pay the same amount to lose and gain random minions?
You did the math wrong, if you use the hero power for 2, it gives 1 gold back. You would have spent 1 gold total not 3.
Mayor Noggenfogger, of course.
Passive hero power: Attack order is chosen randomly.
A little weird, but would encourage against pack leaders, soul jugglers or junkbots.
I would also bypass Taunt I assume? I like this.
Love it
Hero: Nozdormu
Passive Hero Power: Your animations are disabled.
For the mobile players.