When Murder at Castle Nathria launches tomorrow on August 2, Taverns of Time event will conclude and the new rotation will include the following sets:

  • Core
  • One Night in Karazhan
  • Saviors of Uldum
  • Rastakahn’s Rumble
  • Scholomance Academy
  • Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
  • Murder at Castle Nathria

Also, the more you know: 

Quote From Matt London
Insatiable Devourer and Prince Renathal are banned in Arena. There might be another I'm forgetting.

Prince Renathal Card Image Insatiable Devourer Card Image

"Free" Tavern Ticket

Since the new rotation will not only add new sets but also remove some, we should expect a free Tavern Ticket for our unfinished Arena runs. As per usual, start an Arena run, leave it at X wins and a maximum of 2 losses and get a reward equal to the amount of wins you left the run with, plus a Tavern Ticket when your run gets retired with the rotation.

Don't forget that Arena entries generally close a few hours prior to the expansion launch based on your server time. Don't leave it for last minute!

The Tavern Ticket!

Are you excited to jump into a new rotation? Tell us in the comments below!