Reveal of new Battlegrounds Quest Rewards continues from Blizzard's TikTok.
As a reminder, there are 13 Quest types and 24 Quest Rewards total.
Blizzard's TikTok Quest Reward Reveals
What do you think about these rewards? Tell us in the comments below!
It isn't always clear which of these go off exactly once and which happen every turn, so one assumes that they are every turn. If they vary, then the writing is awful.
"[thing] has/have [effect]" is a permanent passive
"give [thing] [effect]" is a one time effect
"at the start/end of your turn, give [thing] [effect]" is a one time effect that triggers every turn
It was stated in an earlier reveal that these rewards effect the rest of the game. Therefore the effects stick around, and "start/end of turn" refers to start/end of every future turn. The only exception being if the text only says "give [something]". (I would be pretty surprised if that's now how that works) Hope that clears things up.
I appreciate the help and my god: the lengths the devs have gone to to not use typical game language and templating (including that already found in HS) is astounding.
Normally, the excuse for poor formatting is space, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
Consider "your." In alternate-turn games you have to distinguish on whose turn a thing happens (which is why very odd cards like Cornelius Roame have to be explicitly and carefully worded). In BGs, everyone shares turns, so the term "your" is redundant at best or mildly confusing at worse. Saying "each" would actually have saved space. So --
would be better rendered --
Or the ever-so-slightly longer but more naturally-worded:
Linking timing (start/end of turn) with reoccurability (every turn) isn't remotely obvious -- and they know that because they had to explain things on social media.
In any event, appreciate the clarification. I think that, as usual, players will just learn it the hard way and memorize the play outcomes.
Pilfered Lamps seems preeeeeeeeeeeeeetty good!