We've got leaked cards for Hearthstone's Galakrond's Awakening adventure that releases later today.
- Sourced from Powerup Gaming, we have no idea how they got them but someone is in trouble.
- This set of leaks contains 17 cards, bringing us up to 31 total cards seen out of 35.
- Blizzard has not done a great job handling this adventure. =/
- We are missing 1 card from each of Hunter, Priest, Rogue and Neutral.
Newly Revealed Cards
Four More!
These cards we got from the client. Fresh Scent, Shadow Sculptor, and Licensed Adventurer are given to you on login.
Nice, now we actually get a glimpse of nearly all the cards.
Boom Squad - Its very good value, but its minimal value. It may be a discover effect, but most will argue that its better to simply include the minion you want into your deck in the first place.
Risky Skipper - Not sure what to think of this. There's just so many ways this can screw up, and yet there's plenty of potential for this to do a board clear. Animated Berserker never saw play, so this is unlikely to see play for enrage potentials.
Frenzied Felwing - If there was a card to revive zoo this would be it. Its easy to get to 0 mana, and 0 mana minions is almost always good.
Chopshop Copter - Mech hunter value, except Cybertech Chip costs less, and has never really seen play. Maybe that 2/4 stick pushes it over the edge, but I doubt it.
Waxmancy - Very versatile, but again with the argument that its better to just include the card you want in the first place still applies. There's plenty of battlecry minions to discover off, so the percentage of what you want will likely be very small to get it off the discover.
Hailbringer - Love this card. Its another good elemental for mage. But the icicles only have 1 health, and its not that hard to ping it off. Still, its very annoying if its place on an empty board. Played Aaainst a midrange deck like embiggen druid, this is just hell for them to deal with.
Bomb Wrangler - Played against this in the adventure. And I can say that this is very annoying to deal with. I have high hopes for this card.
Boompistol Bully - Rogue every where. This counter rogue. Very good card. No other explanation needed. Its notably not as good versus aggro, and midrange decks like embiggen druid. Notably it slows Leeroy Jenkins so that's something.
Skyvateer - Not very good in my opinion, mostly because its a deathrattle. Had this been a battlecry it would be nuts. Maybe the stealth counts for something, but I highly doubt it.
Rotnest Drake - Its [Hearthstone Card (spiderbomb) Not Found] but its a dragon and its a battlecry. Can't wait to try out dragon hunter.
Skydiving Instructor - Notable counter to the counter for highlander. It can tutor out the albatross from highlander decks. But I don't think there's a slot for this to be included anyway.
[Hearthstone Card (animated avalache) Not Found] - More support for elemental mage. And if you can get his out right its a 14/12 worth of stats for 7 mana.
Explosive Evolution - Its just my opinion, but Mutate is better, Big Bad Voodoo is better. Mostly because this costs 2 mana. It guarantees results with Mogu Fleshshaper, but I think a 10 drop is better than Mountain Giant or Mossy Horror
Scalelord - 5 mana 5/6 is good stats. And it support murlocs. Might be the card that finally makes murloc paladin playable without Tip the Scales, or make it better with it.
Twisted Knowledge - Nope, not going into decks. Its 2 mana do nothing. At best it gets you a board clear and worst it fills your hand with stuff you don't want.
Steel Beetle - There's some potential for this to be in quest druid. Its more health and a 2/3 on board. And for a deck that skips 4 turns, that might be good enough to see play.
Fiendish Servant - Its a 2/1 that for the guaranteed effect can never be played on 1 against ping classes. It has an upside of making a massive minion on 2, but that's about it. Maybe somewhere there's a handbuff warlock that can properly use this.
Fresh Scent - Maybe in beast hunter? its basically Blessing of Kings in that deck.
Shadow Sculptor - The new auctioneer for rogue. But it doesn't have that soft taunt value and its a smaller stated card at 3/2. Maybe there's a zoo list for rogue somewhere with this card.
Licensed Adventurer - A coin for a quest? Questing Explorer still does it better.
Cleric of Scales - Very powerful card. Dragon combo priest, here I come!
I find your lack of legendaries disturbing...
I love the Boom squad art, but does this mean shaman and mage are the only extra legendary classes?
Honestly? These leaks are actually pretty interesting; so Paladin could actually try some sort of Menagerie tactic by going Murloc/Dragon hybrid with Scalelord and Skyfin ? This becomes even more interesting in Wild thanks to The Curator , Menagerie Warden, Zoobot and Gentle Megasaur .
Hunter gets more dragon synergy, and Warrior gets more self-wound synergy - even though it still lacks threatening and deck-defining engines for it. Explosive Evolution is an interesting tool for Shaman - even if a little bit costly - and Skydiving Instructor looks like an interesting tool for zoo/aggro decks. Everything else is alright, and can actually spark enough interest in deckbuilders to change things around
You going to be trying to datamine once the patch launches Flux? See if we can get those pesky 4 last ones?
This is how I imagine Flux looks when a new patch comes out and he gets to work:
Hopefully nothing catches on fire lol
Haha, that is probably exactly how he looks
Skydiving instructor brings back Patches nightmares... Aggro decks are going to love this card. Pulling out your 1-drops to thin your deck and improve your draws is extremely powerful.
Like, yeah, but it is also a 3 mana 2/2...
Frenzied Felwing looks like it could be the new Happy Ghoul.
I really like the flavor of Boom squad
These cards feel like they could help make the meta...fun?
I'm liking the Quest synergy cards they're printing
Scalelord feels like it was made to be in BGs. Maybe we are finally getting Dragons in there!
well, there goes all hope for more legendaries.
Guess Shaman and Mage just needed some completely out of place additions in that regard.
Rotnest Drake is really powerful and Fiendish Servant will definitely go into Zoo. About the rest, I'm not so sure. Boompistol Bully is a nice tech I guess.
These seem to be on quite high power levels. I reckon most of them will be played in Tier 1-3 decks!
This is quite the hodge-podge of cards this set... Hopefully we get to see some new archetypes as a result!
Explosive Evolution
...What were they smoking?
Hearthstone Developer #1: They keep complaining about Shaman cards power levels and we end up having to nerf the things a week from release ...
Hearthstone Developer #2: Hey, check out the new Shaman card I made!
HSD #1: And there it is.