The fight against bots in Hearthstone continues. Blizzard has issued a statement this afternoon stating that nearly 642,000 accounts have received punishment for botting. That is in addition to the bans that were recently hit on players that were cheating during Twist mode this month. That is a whole lot of bans!

This new wave of bans follows the wave in late March that targeted over half a million accounts. With that and the prior wave of a staggering, but tiny in comparison, 135k bans, that is over 1.3 million accounts banned this year. It makes one wonder how many players are bots of that 100 million players statistic from 6 years ago?

Quote From GnomeSayin

Since last month’s update, we’ve actioned nearly 642,000 additional accounts for botting. That is in addition to the bans we levied against players using cheating software to play illegal cards in Twist mode early in this season. We’ll continue regularly punishing these bad actors to make our Tavern a better place for all our real players.

How has your experience on the Hearthstone ladder been so far this month? Have you encountered less bots recently? Let us know in the comments below.