Today, Shamans find out that space is lacking in storm, earth and fire. Well, at least the kind that's easily accessible. The Great Dark Beyond with card reveals continue on day 12.


The Great Dark Beyond Card Reveals for October 22, 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for The Great Dark Beyond on October 22, 2024.

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What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
Murmur - Not exactly sure what this can do yet, but I would be surprised if this doesnt break the game in some capacity in future. But admitably its a little difficult to see where this card is leading towards because even if the cards costs only 1 after this, you're not developing more stats on board so the battlecries needs to either win you the game or setup for a win in the short term.
Farseer Nobundo - There's a lot of talk about how much value the lens provide, but really all this card really does is doubling your first spell and then you get another recast two turns later. And the card being a deathrattle means, you dont actually get to control when the lens appear, and your opponent will no doubt be saving a silence or transform effect to get rid of it. Or they stack so many stats on board that you've no choice except to spend the lens on a removal option. Good card, but perhaps not as broken as it seems.
Nebula - Most likely playable, but the cost is a bit too high to assume its gonna be viable unless the meta goes for value.
Shaman set is respectable, but to address the common theme of asteroids being a deck. I think it might work, but its not the same as the plagues were for DK, there's no helya for asteroids, and the fact is that even plague DK nowadays arent seeing much play themselves. I would say that the asteroid deck will likely be just another extension in an elemental deck rather than a genuine build around.