We recently had the... pleasure... of The Amazing Reno joining our collections from completing the last wing of the Galakrond's Awakening Adventure. So, which spells are we hoping Reno will cast for us and which ones are we really wanting to avoid?
Thanks to data from HSReplay.net, we've got the answer!
The Best Spells from The Amazing Reno
It shouldn't be surprising but the best spell you can get off The Amazing Reno is the one that... wait for it... casts 10 more spells. Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron won't be rotating in April since it was only released last year which means we've got *knock on wood* at least another year of fun RNG alongside Reno.
Here are the top 5 cards by winrate when Reno casts them for free.
The Worst Spells from The Amazing Reno
We can't have the best without also including the worst so here we go! It is a little surprising Myra's Unstable Element isn't the worst card out there. It turns out the turn tempo loss can be a real killer - that's what you get when you have a card like Reno that exists to make an attempt at regaining control of a game.
Have had very few chances to use it since adding it to my deck. But the last time I used him I can say the spells casted where pretty inconsequential. The card ended up winning me the game because of the battlecry. I wonder how that factors into the numbers above, what is the win-rate bump when playing Reno itself?
The most interesting part of these statistics, in my opinion, is what you can infer from them blind. I haven't played ranked HS in quite a while, so I'm a little rusty on the meta - but from these stats I see:
- Two of the highest winrate cards are boardwide AoE. That implies Mage is more likely to be behind on board at any given late-game turn, though a part of that winrate is likely due to the tempo shift of giving you a turn of empty board development. Blizzard being on the list itself supports the idea of being behind on board, given it's more potent from the freeze effect than anything else
- Yogg's Box being up at the #1 slot is kinda damning really; although it has a SLIGHT positive bias due to some spells specifically targeting enemy minions, it's still obviously very random
- Surrender to Madness being up there implies Mage is running either few minions, or expensive ones, or both. Losing three crystals (while not good, obviously) isn't THAT bad when you're at 10 mana by default; the pay-off not being worth it suggests the benefits are minor (or that you're already so far behind on board that the tempo-loss is backbreaking)
- Myra's being on the list indicates Mage should obviously be running Chef Nomi for the outsider play. Clearly.
I actually wonder what Impact this Card will have on Spells for the time it is in Standard. Like, remember when they put out [Hearthstone Card (N'zoth, the Corrupter) Not Found]? Most of the Deathrattles they released sucked while he was in Rotation to make sure he wouldn't be too powerful.
Yes, The Amazing Reno is not really like N'zoth and yeah, you can't print only bad Spells for about 2 Years, BUT I think it's safe to say that we're gonna see more Myra's Unstable Element-like Cards (usually good, but screw you hard when played wrong) during Reno's Time in Standard.
I think its safe to say right now that there are always ample amounts of bad, situational spells all around, not even mentioning how many good spells tend to have the 'target a minion' i.e. not your enemy/self
There's no need to purposefully create bad spells just because of Reno. All it takes is for any good spells to simply be ambiguous enough so its a random target when auto casted.
Standard players can rejoice at the fact that Myra's Unstable Element will be leaving Standard when the next set comes.
I played Reno once - was so stoked about his battlecry - but then he triggered Myra's and burnt my deck ...
Mildly comforting knowing it was one of the bottom 5 scenarios possible ; lucky me ^^
At least it wasn't wild! This bad boy would cast Cataclysm after Myra's if he wants you to have a bad day.
I was rather more hopeful for some stats showing how often these spells gets casted.
But I've encounter this scenario more often than not. Seems like after this card gets played, its really all down to the spell RNG as to whether you win or lose (both sides). Its my opinion, but stuff like this is not really healthy for the game. Its one thing to get Yogg-boxed to a lost, its quite another when the start of every turn literally decides winners and losers.
How often these spells get castet...?
You mean how offen reno gets played divided by the amount of spells available?
given the samplesize, it is allmost impossible to see any variation between castrates
I feel like you should have spaced 'cast rates' there, because I can't help but think of a different word when it's written that way... though I suppose that IS kind of the effect of a Myra's pull :P
I just like to see the percentage so when it happens to me I can feel like a one percenter for at least once in my life.
Anyone else surprised to see Grave Runes performing so badly here? I mean, it's 50/50 hitting your own minion or your opponent's. I guess maybe people playing Reno tend to have fewer minions on the board?
The person who just played their turn usually has more minions, or reversed, the person starting their turn usually has fewer minions. This is doubly true with Reno who always leaves you with 0 mana and an empty board when you play him, so on the first turn your opponent is practically guaranteed to benefit if Reno casts a buff. Add to that mage being one of the less minion-centric classes, and I would expect most buffs to be in your opponent's favour.
It really is random, and I love/hate it. I was playing as a Reborn Pally against a mage who dropped Mass Dispel, Blizzard, Plague of Death, Mass Dispel and Plague of Death in a row. I had to laugh and couldn't even be mad, I was clearly not meant to win that game.
I tried it out in a Highlander Mage and he popped Tracking to discard my Zephrys, then Flark Boom Zooka'd my Alex and some other minions onto an empty board.
RNGesus giveth and taketh, for sure.
Forbidden Words is hilarious. Kill a random minion with 10 or less attack, skip your turn.
Eye of the Storm is ridiculous off of random cast spell effects. I had a game this week where my opponent avoided lethal by getting Eye of the Storm as his LAST spell from Puzzle Box. The other 9 spells were all terrible, but the last one snuck in and lost me the game.
Just won a match against Embiggen Druid because of The Amazing Reno. Feels great!
you live by the RNG
you die by the RNG
I don't think anyone expected him to be actually good, right?
Well, he is good. Mage isn't good.
i'm calling the clip where reno cast puzzle box then every worst spell in this list
Well when Reno casts Forbidden Words more often than not it feels like you just hand your enemy a free Time Warp which you know what will happen next, right.