What is the best approach to go from Zero to Hero (Legend)?

Submitted 2 years ago by


So this is the third I am going to start this game a fresh, right from the beginning, as a F2P (too long of a story).

My first time to climb fast as a F2P, was with Zoolock and concede Shaman (long long time ago).

My second time was with beast hunter and Reno Priest (long time ago).

What is the best cheep F2P deck out there this time? 

Thank you for your help :)

  • Zebulun's Avatar
    255 85 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 2 years ago


    So this is the third I am going to start this game a fresh, right from the beginning, as a F2P (too long of a story).

    My first time to climb fast as a F2P, was with Zoolock and concede Shaman (long long time ago).

    My second time was with beast hunter and Reno Priest (long time ago).

    What is the best cheep F2P deck out there this time? 

    Thank you for your help :)

    Legends never die,
    They become a part of you.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5585 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 2 years ago

    You're probably best off waiting for the patch to come in. The current meta is fairly polarizing to the point that there's no real reliable deck to climb with unless youre willing to sink hundreds of hours in.

    But if you need something to reliably destroy the first few tiers, try quest hunter, or aggro druid the cheapest deck around right now (though I personally dislike the deck). Once you reach diamond, its probably miracle rogue or some kind of hp mage.

    Let us know if you ever reach legend in the current state of hearthstone.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 2 years ago

    I can't think of anything to help F2P player push that far, because of deck availability, and no star bonus (if you really start anew).

    You need to burn at least days to even get to the gold or platinum ranked.

    The only option is to use aggro deck at all times, saving you both time and resource, because there's plenty of budget aggro deck available.

    Knowledge is Power

  • Zebulun's Avatar
    255 85 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 2 years ago

    Thanks for the tips, I’ll open new account today and stay F2P. Let’s see what will happen


    Legends never die,
    They become a part of you.

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