Dark Cultist

Dark Cultist Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

Deathrattle: Give a random friendly minion +3 Health.

Flavor Text

The Cult of the Damned has found it's best not to mention their name when recruiting new cultists.


Deathrattle - Does something when it dies.

How to Unlock Dark Cultist

Unlocked in The Construct Quarter, in the Naxxramas adventure.

How to Unlock Golden Dark Cultist

Crafting unlocked in The Construct Quarter, in the Naxxramas adventure.

Dark Cultist Sounds

Play VO_FP1_023_EnterPlay_01

Attack VO_FP1_023_Attack_02

Death VO_FP1_023_Death_03

Game Accessories

Last Rites Power of the Ziggurat Resilient Strength Within


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