Mechanical Bunny Uprising

Last updated 5 years ago by
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I think Pogo Rogue isn't a very complicated deck, so instead of a guide on how to play the deck, I'll write down my card choices and combos, so let's begin!

Backstab is generally good in the early game and helps dealing with early threats.

Preparation is good to pair with Vanish so you can play more stuff to build back your board while also bouncing your opponent's. The second copy is there for better consistency and as a free combo activator.

Shadowstep is really useful to return Brann Bronzebeard, Barista Lynchen, Sonya Shadowdancer or your other Battlecry minions to safety. If you really need to answer early game threats, using Shadowstep on Pogo-Hopper is definitely a reasonable play, but it's definitely worth saving it for your higher value minions.

Daring Escape is a really good bounce card in both early and late game!

I choose to only run one copy of Togwaggle's Scheme, because if you shuffle just 10 or so minions its usually more than enough to win control match-ups and two just seems overkill. And again instead of targeting Pogo-Hoppers, it's a better idea to target Barista Lynchen, so you can play a board of bunnies, then return a copy of them to your hand, and even if your opponent clears your board using their limited resources, next turn you can play your bunnies draw an other copy of Barista Lynchen and the cycle continues until your opponent is overwhelmed.

Pogo-Hopper into Gadgetzan Ferryman into replaying the Pogo is good against aggro, or returning one of your high value minions to hand in a control match-up.

Lab Recruiter is for the infinite power! (*laughs in Flik Skyshiv*)

Sap can get you a cheeky lethal if your opponent tries hiding behind a big taunt, or you can just say no to buffs.

Shiv is just some early damage and cycle.

Sonya Shadowdancer can get you a lot of value! Ramming your Brann, Barista, Loatheb, Tak Nozwhisker or just about anything into an other minion killing them to get a sweet 1 Mana copy of them then returning Sonya to hand can bring huge value!

Elven Minstrel is for cycle, both early and later in the game.

Shadowcaster can be used to get back a copy of Pogo-Hopper if you had to use both in the early game to stay alive against aggro, or you can get a 1 Mana copy of higher value minion to combo next turn.

Vanish can bounce your opponent's board while returning your Pogos into your hand so you can replay them, which will also make them bigger again, especially if you combo it with Preparation.

Tak Nozwhisker can put some Pogos into your hand when you shuffle more into your deck, and if you combine this with Togwaggle's Scheme you can play two Pogos, or even three if you play Preparation beforehand.

Valeera the Hollow is for extra value trough your Hero Power or to bait your opponent into buffing or playing more minions, so you can Vanish them next turn and throw some Pogos on the board.

Brann Bronzebeard can be used with your bunnies to make them ever so bigger, you can get more shuffles, more Pogos trough Barista Lynchen or if your opponent haven't played any minions, but instead relies on their spells to make it to the later stages of the game, you can get a 1 Mana copy of Brann Bronzebeard, so next turn you can play Brann into Loatheb to deny any spells from your opponent, and throw down some Pogos than will get +4/+4! And even if they play some Taunts a couple of smart trades, or a Sap can quickly eliminate them from the match!

Witchwood Piper is to draw Pogos from your deck with a bigger consistency.

Barista Lynchen can be used to get more bunnies and to get back Lab Recruiter and Elven Minstrel, or even Loatheb or a Shadowcaster if they survive a turn.

Loatheb can deny your opponent from clearing the board for a turn, essentially winning you the game!

Thanks for reading my guide and thoughts! I would be more than happy to hear your opinion!

Now go and devote yourself to the Endless Bunny Army of Vallera!

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