IMPENDING DOOM ... Dragonz Edition!

Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
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THIS IS NOT A GOOD META FOR THIS DECK. Three of its poorest matchups are Embiggen Druid, Tree Druid, and especially Face Hunter ... and those three decks are like 70% of the ladder lately, at least in my experience.

I may switch to playing another deck for a while, or play on Casual (even though I'm addicted to getting stats on individual card winrates from Ladder games).

Latest "Flex" Card Selection

The latest addition is Sky Gen'ral Kragg, replacing EVIL Cable Rat, which was the worst "flex" card in the deck in the 110 games before adding Kragg.

Otherwise, I'm still running Barista Lynchen, just for overall value; two Sludge Slurpers; Evasive Wyrm and Onyxia to fill out the dragon package; and Frizz Kindleroost.


Dragons go well with the Shaman Quest, having a lot of battlecries. So why not combine the two?

But when I play Quest Shaman, I like it to have a win condition beyond just "generate resources forever until the opponent runs out." And my favorite win condition is when they're staring down one or more enormous Shudderwocks in Stealth mode, ready to kill them on the next turn and there's nothing they can do about it. I call this the IMPENDING DOOM deck.

This deck isn't going to break the meta; I haven't had huge success with it on Ladder except at the very end of the month. On less-competitive parts of the Ladder or in Casual, I think you'll find it pretty fun.

Deck Breakdown

Core Dragon Package (9 cards): Nithogg, Big Ol' Whelp x2, Twin Tyrant x2, Lightning Breath x2, Firetree Witchdoctor x2.

IMPENDING DOOM Package (6 cards): Shudderwock, Coppertail Imposter, Omega Defender, Faceless Corruptor x2, Siamat.

Other Typical Quest-Shaman Cards (8 cards): Corrupt the Waters, Questing Explorer x2, Novice Engineer, Lifedrinker x2, Sandstorm Elemental x2.

That Leaves 7 Card Slots That Are Subject To Adjustment. These should shore up the deck against its weak matchups. They can supplement any of the above categories, or they can just be tech cards (preferably still with good Battlecries) to help the deck survive. You can see what selection I'm currently running with at the top of this Guide.

Cards I've Experimented With in This Deck

Earth Shock, EVIL Totem, Bog Slosher, Far Sight, Plague of Murlocs, Hex, Potion Vendor, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Cheaty Anklebiter, Dragon Breeder, EVIL Cable Rat, Faerie Dragon, Quicksand Elemental, Mind Control Tech, Scalerider, Twilight Drake, Former Champ, Zilliax, Crowd Roaster, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza.

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