Suicide warrior.
Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
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what turn do you usually die off at? would be impressive if you could croak at turn 2.
"Could also be used for deranking.''
Now that's purposeful ; you don't have to concede if your list can't even win ^^
I can't see myself playing this type of thing, even just for a quest. However, if you have a friend to play with, a neat "game mode" is to each craft a suicide deck and fight to see who can die first. You can run healing for your opponent to slow them down, as well as all the self-damage you can find. When you're sick of the ladder, try this out for fun!
That's one of the most fun challenges. Although too easy with Unlicensed Apothecary and any token summoning spell like Forbidden Ritual.
You'd be surprised. You need to draw those cards to make it work, and your opponent can heal your face for you. I've actually found fatigue to be a solid strategy. Hemet followed by as many draw mechanics as you can find. Or just going full Northshire...