Remastered DoD Gonk Druid

Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
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I have been playing this deck for a while now first with My first version before DoD even came out and then my version after it was out and now what i think to be an even more polished version of the deck so far, but that being said i am still working on it even now, so expect some revisions to come in the future!


Now the guide!

First off to start with is the combo turn, you'll need a dead Gonk, the Raptor in your graveyard, both Witching Hours in hand, and Floop's Glorious Gloop, a Secure the Deck in play and at least one "attack card" like Claw or Pounce the amount of "attack cards" will vary depending on your opponents board state. For instance, if your opponent has 3 lackeys and you only have a pounce in hand, but your gonk is dead and you have floop gloop with double secure the deck, it's an easy win, hit twice, play more claws.

What was once a tedious waiting for florists and mad summoner turns, has turned into a pretty simple and flexible win condition. All that matters is draw...

I used to run double nourish in this deck but i ended up with too much hand issues, and i swapped them out for the Khartut Defenders instead because being able to be alive to naturally draw was better from what i could tell from playing several games with this deck.

Drawing gonk is the problem with this deck, and i don't know how to get around it, i tried playing Predatory Instincts to tutor the gonk, but you need to kill the gonk and a 18 health thing you need dead without taunt is an issue, rogues will happily walk the plank the 18 health minion without thinking but other classes would usually just ignore it. But the biggest issue with running it is being unlucky, if you draw the gonk after you put this card in like i always did, it would be four mana do nothing, at best and at worst it would be a card that wastes space in your hand all game.


All that being said, when you get the combo off it is glorious, and with double Secure the Deck paired with floop gloop, you really only need to kill about 3 minions tops to OTK your opponent, if they're at full health. Scion of Ruin is a card that i love seeing my opponent play now, because of playing this deck so much.


But seriously now the guide

For the mulligan you obviously keep the quest but you should be looking for cards in specific matchups, you shouldn't keep the Biology Project unless you either know you're up against a non aggro matchup, or have tools that can help out in hand already,( Swipe, Wrath ETC), cards i enjoy keeping are: 

Worthy Expedition: Good for fishing for more Wraths, or Starfalls, or Oasis Surgers or even Hidden Oasis if you know you're in a particularly bad matchup early

Crystal Merchant: keep it all the time, double so if you have the coin or the biology project in hand already as it's a great play early and draw is key in any deck with druid quest in it, double ours.

Gonk, the Raptor: if you see the opponent, is a priest you ALWAYS keep gonk, ALWAYS, warriors can be iffy if you should keep or not, but always against priests, and they'll gladly spend 5 mana killing it for you, and getting a random priest card for themselves out of the deal.

That's practically it for the mulligan guide, wrath is good, to see when mulliganning but you don't want to keep it in starter, it's better as deal 4 draw a card later. Same with swipe and starfall. Ferocious howl is better when you have more than 4 cards in hand, so it's not a good mulligan either.


After that just stay alive so you can combo, feel free to use the 2 free Claws in the deck for removal, but the claws from Secure the Deck and the 2 Pounces are combo cards only, secure the deck is the reason we can play gonk without Mad Summoner shenanigans.





-1 khartut defender

+2 Nourish


Played for a bit with double defender and zil, but i kept asking myself the whole time if i would rather have a nourish instead when i had them in hand, almost every time i had zil i did and just most of the time i had a defender i did as well, so i swapped em' seems to be working out.

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  • chaudharykapil's Avatar
    Malfurion 115 6 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Crafted floop's Glorious Gloop for this deck, played 5 games 3 against zoo, 1 against quest hunter and 1 Galakrond Shaman. Couldn't win even a single game, deck looks fun but in this aggressive meta i doubt if its gonna work. 

    • clawz161's Avatar
      The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
      Quote From chaudharykapil

      Crafted floop's Glorious Gloop for this deck, played 5 games 3 against zoo, 1 against quest hunter and 1 Galakrond Shaman. Couldn't win even a single game, deck looks fun but in this aggressive meta i doubt if its gonna work. 

      I'm sorry to hear that, I'm free to play and I always never wanted to craft floops gloop myself until I started playing around with gonk and I agree that this deck is super slow and hard to win with, but I have surprising won a lot of games with it. I haven't really kept track but out of the 30 or so games I've played I bet I could wager I've won about half of them. Quest priest really screws with this version of the deck but if you bait out the infiltrators you have a shot. 

      And yeah I agree again about the agro heavy meta not helping you out. Shaman is a class and before the nerf to dragons pack you couldn't even kill the wolves on board with this deck at all. That's why I'm currently looking into other things for this deck. Without quest. 

  • Vortid's Avatar
    180 41 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Sweet, I love Gonk. I always say GONK out loud when I hit the opponent with Gonk in play. (I don´t, but I should).

    One thought: Isn´t Zul'DrakRitualist (the 3/9 taunt that spawns 3 dudes) a great fit for Gonk? It can be played early as defense, compared to summoner. Not like it is super great if they remove it, but against a lot of decks it isn´t too bad. And 3 dudes is usually enough for Gonk fodder. 

    I also think that maybe quest is a little bit greedy, but it´s fine because it is sweet. :)

    • clawz161's Avatar
      The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
      Quote From Vortid

      Sweet, I love Gonk. I always say GONK out loud when I hit the opponent with Gonk in play. (I don´t, but I should).

      One thought: Isn´t Zul'DrakRitualist (the 3/9 taunt that spawns 3 dudes) a great fit for Gonk? It can be played early as defense, compared to summoner. Not like it is super great if they remove it, but against a lot of decks it isn´t too bad. And 3 dudes is usually enough for Gonk fodder. 

      I also think that maybe quest is a little bit greedy, but it´s fine because it is sweet. :)

      Yeah the quest is super greedy with this deck and lately I've been trying to make a version without it(I posted a link to my dragon gonk druid below) that relies on board control instead of massive healing like this one in order to combo. With the ritualist I thought about it, but the whole point of this deck is the ability to combo without a florist turn. Double claw double pounce is six damage that's enough to kill usually anything on board against a mid range deck and aggro deck and after that you can. Play even more claws if you played floop gloop making you have massive damage without needing to kill that many minions. With a deck as slow and playing behind as quest druid playing a 7 mana 4/4 florist was just straight up a bad idea so I really wanted to not do that.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    I feel Biology Project might be a mistake. Quest Druid has a hard time surviving as is and ramping your opponent really isn't a good idea now that most decks are much more top heavy.

    I get that it works great with the quest but I think there's better options

    • clawz161's Avatar
      The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      yeah most of the time i never play it unless i know i'm in a control matchup. the problem with this deck and with gonk in general really, is that you're always playing from behind. Quest druid usually can make up for this by playing the choose one cards, that give a lot of value on the turn they are played, helping you swing ahead again, but with the witching hour combo you are limited by playing none of the choose ones that are beasts. I have been experimenting with a dragon gonk druid deck without quest, which plays for tempo and fights for board in order to play gonk on turn seven, but it's pretty watered down, no claws outside the side quests no pounces, i've won the four games i've played with it so far, but i haven't gonked a single person yet. Which is basically a loss in my book.


      The biology project is basically a discount floop gloop that'll let you get an extra claw on a combo turn, i thought about ditching it but i've won twice with it while playing it on a combo turn.

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Gl hf!


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