Rotationless Miracle Rogue
Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
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Probably remove violet teacher, sprint, questing adventurer and assassin's blade
replace with cold blood, shiv, perditions blade, and sinister strike
Meta will crush you easily around turn 6-8. The win strat with my replacements is to aim for a turn 7 kill. Double cold blood + deckhand = 10 damage + evis would be 14 on turn 7. Opponent can probably guess your strat and place zilliax on 5, perditions blade deal with that so you don't have to waste your miracle hand.
I admire the theme, but perhaps its not too much to try some of the expansion's basic and rare cards. Lets you go further with miracle. I would very much be interested in seeing some stats if you have any
I find that questing explorer and violet teacher are both very solid do to the abundance of cheap spells and other cards so they both generate a lot of value. Sprint really helps you dig if you don't get gadgetzan auctioneer. Assassins blade can get out a ton of damage or stabilize the board. However I will take your suggestions to mind if I find those cards under performing.
Praise be it's another MIRACLE!