DreadKill's Dragon Descent

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

This deck is made purely for fun. All the way back from the Blackrock Mountain adventure I took a liking to Dragons, especially in Paladin, being my favourite class. With the release of Dragon Descent and with myself having took a break from Hearthstone, I looked for a way to make Dragon Paladin work again, this time in Standard, with a rather cheap Dragon Paladin load out.

The Deck

1. Deck base


The deck is based around Dragons and Dragon synergy cards as their rooster has greatly increased with the new expansion.


2. Removal

This deck version doesn't contain the standard Equality + Consecration combo, but certain Dragon and Dragon synergy cards come in handy. From my old deck DreadKill's Dragon Army, only Crowd Roaster has remained here, due to it still being in Standard. Together with Evasive Wyrm and Scaleworm, the trio helps easily remove even beefier minions, given the least you'll do with these is 5 damage. Also included is Scalerider, that is very good in aggro matchups, although it can also be used to hit face if the situation demands so.


3. Card generation and draw

Firetree Witchdoctor remains one of the best cards for Dragon decks, as its versatility is amazing. Another amazing card, one that came with the new expansion, is Bronze Explorer. As for actual draw, another new addition helps fill a slot that was always problematic for Paladin. Please welcome Big Ol' Whelp!


4. Taunts and defense

[Hearthstone Card (Cathedral Gargoyole) Not Found] and Wyrmguard continue their journey, proving quite useful at defending your hero at various mana costs. Evasive Drakonid is one of the new addition and so far it has proved wonderful, as it nullifies powerful removal from classes like Mage and Warlock.

Other than Taunt minions this deck also contains some healing, via the above-mentioned Bronze Explorer and Amber Watcher. The latter one is also versatile as you can use it to restore a hefty amount of health either to your hero or your own minions.


5. Other Dragons and synergy cards

Dragon Speaker still remains a good card, especially if it lands on cards like Evasive Feywing, Evasive Wyrm and Evasive Drakonid. Sand Breath is used more for the Divine Shield than the actual buff itself, as you will almost always have a Dragon in your hand. Evasive Feywing is basically a [Hearthstone Card (Faery Dragon) Not Found] for 2 more mana and with +2/+2 worth of stats. While [Hearthstone Card (Faery Dragon) Not Found] doesn't see much play, I found Evasive Feywing to be very good in the mid-game, where a 3/2 minion would end up not being very useful.


6. Niche cards

These cards are not necessary for the good functioning of the deck, although they can prove quite useful in certain situations. We've spoken about Dragon Speaker above, so we will continue with the other two. I decided to keep Barista Lynchen in this deck as 20 of the cards have are Battlecry cards, meaning you will almost always end up with a good hand refill. Ysera still remains a good old classic, providing good versatility in the late-game.

If you don't have these cards or feel that you can replace their spots with better options, feel free to replace them. Some possible replacements are:


Other possible replacements, all from the new expansion and which also have good Dragon synergy:

Note: From the three, I only have Sathrovarr. Due to his high mana cost, I decided not to use him instead of Barista Lynchen. However, I am considering if Dragonrider Talritha would do a better job than Barista Lynchen, due to it being cheaper and providing infinite value, unless the target is silenced. Frizz Kindleroost could also be a good choice, given it is basically a deck-wide variant of the good old Dragon Consort.


Thank you!

If you read it all the way until here then really thank you a lot! I appreciate your time and I am waiting for your comments and opinions.

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  • drfelip's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 365 289 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Are you still playing this deck? How does it fare with current meta?


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