(Legend) HL Secret Hunter In-Depth Guide 43-23

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
  • Ranked

This Guide has a budget version at the bottom if you want to try it out without needing all the legendaries. It is a more minion based dragon Highlander Hunter, but it is more than 10k dust less than this build. I hope you all have a great start to the next season and hope this helps.



I know this deck is expensive so if you need some budget options here are a few.

Siamat -> Evasive Wyrm. The cost is about the same and the 5 damage divine shield rush is solid and if you need to be budget with the deck this can help the dragon version which is more budget.

  • (Sandbinder -> Witchwood Piper or Gnomish Inventor) Your turn 4 is really weak so losing this card would suck, but if you take out Siamat and only have 1 elemental you might want take out sandbinder too cause it only has 1 draw target)

All the Mechs -> push for more dragons again. Taking the Primordial Explorer, Corrosive Breath, Big Ol Whelp, Twilight Drake allows you to keep a similar curve, keep card draw, and have some removal and tempo.

Zul’Jin -> Rotten Applebaum or Khartut Defender for defence cause Zuljin is a defensive play not aggressive and without him you might need some help. VERY hard to replace this late game bomb but I think extra survivability helps into aggro and might make up for it.

Other General Replacement cards include Vicious Scalehide and Fresh Scent to help into aggro and this mini combo can replace any 2 cards.

January Season I was Legend 569, I have proof on my twitter. https://twitter.com/elementalcore1


Overview: This deck relies on the same main win conditions as many other Highlander decks, Mainly being Zephrys and Dragonqueen Alexstraza. That being said, it also has Brann which can give you an 8/8 charge for 7 mana, Subject 9 for insane card draw, Zul’jin to replay all your secrets and spells, Siamat as a giant body, constant aggro pressure with your hero power, and just a solid curve of mid and late game minions.

Against Aggro you generally want to keep things that stall out and can give survivabilty and get rid of high value cards that will be better late game (like Subject 9, siamat, and Alexstraza). Keeping cards like early game secrets, low drops, and zilliax as you main and only source of heal, are how you survive this matchup. Since aggro will run out of resources and you have a better late game, dump your hand and just do everything you can to control the board. You will draw into your later game win conditions later you just need to get board control to keep yourself from losing early.

Against Control I think that it is better to go for the value route which means you do the exact opposite as you would against aggro, keep the cards I told you to get rid of, and vise versa. Brann I like a ton and should be kept most of the time in my opinion ESPECIALLY if you have the coin to play him on turn 6. You want to save your cards for the most part against control but still play on curve to apply pressure, just don’t flood the board to protect yourself like you would into aggro because that is how you get punished. This isn’t true into Druid because it has no removal, but I will talk about that later.


Questions and Answers:

  • Which is more critical to the deck - Siamat of Dragonbane if I can only craft one, and have no other considerations (i.e., broader usability)?

Siamat 100%, Dragonsbane is nice but not needed at ALL

  • Would you play a springpaw turn 1 if it is your only 1 drop?

I don't like playing it turn 1 I like saving it for rush or to combo with the Faceless Corruptor.

  • If you already have a good 3-4 curve, but only Zephrys as your 2 drop, would you play Zephrys on 2 or hero-power?

Into aggro you need the extra tempo so play Zephrys usually, into control save him for a later game option.


Typically with this deck you want your first several turns to go something like this. 

  • Turn 1, play a 1 drop. If you have Springpaw you don’t want to play that because it is better to use it for the rush. You don’t want to play Tracking either cause you want to use it to cycle late game.
  • Turn 2, Phase Stalker is ideal. If not usually just hero power. If you are into aggro play a secret for defense and if you against a rogue hero power unless you have rat trap, in which case play the rat trap because it will help if he combos for an early Edwin. If you have the coin you can coin out a 3 drop, but only do that if you have another 3 drop in hand and really only do this into aggro for defense or if you have a GREAT curve into control and think you can kill them quickly.
  • Turn 3, Honestly any 3 drop will do here, into rogue animal companion is a BIT risky if you get Huffer because of backstab, but other than that there is really no difference. If you have the coin and a secret out, coin out the Hyena for 7/7 value on turn 3.
  • Turn 4, This is your weakest turn before you start to really take over the game. This turn generally you will play another 3 drop, but if you have the Hyena and a secret without the coin play it now, play sandbinder for some draw if you can, and if you have the coin go for a zilliax, subject 9, or a faceless corruptor if you can.
  • Turn 5, same plays you would have coined out on turn 4, and if you have the coin use it for unleash the beast. This turn if you are into aggro go Zilliaz or the Faceless Corrupter, if you are against control go Subject 9 or faceless corruptor for tempo.


Mulligans: You always want to keep the 1 drops except Tracking because even though it is a 1 mana card, you want it for late game to help you search for your late game answers and win conditions, not early on where you might lose cards that will help your curve. Phase stalker and some secrets are good 2 drops (I’ll talk about those below). Animal Companion, Ursatron, and diving gryphon are solid cards to keep as well. And again, Zilliax into aggro and Subject 9 into control. Basically just get rid of anything 5 or more (other than those 2) if you have the coin you can keep a 4 drop as well if you want, and if you have a hard to activate secret ALWAYS keep the Hyena.


Aggro: Keep any secrets you can for early protection except rat trap or snake trap because they won’t be triggered very often (unless you are into Tempo Rogue).

Control: Keep Rat trap and Snake trap because they will get triggered more likely OR will set up for the late game if they try to make a big play (rat trap). Rat trap probably won’t get triggered till late, but unless you are into priest, it will PROBABLY get triggered at some point.

Hyena: If you have the Hyena keep Rat or Snake trap if you can so you will have the best chance of getting the 7/7 for 4 mana value.


Keep in mind that the matchup guides that are a little further down will talk about some special cards you wanna keep into certain matchups.


Interesting Cards to Note + Continued Mulligan Guide:


(Mulligan Tips) Shieldbreaker : This card is used primarily against priest to silence a Khartut Defender so you don’t have to kill it 2 times AND give the opponent 6 more Health. It can also deal with the winged guardian in the new embiggen and wall druid decks. I chose this one instead of other silences because it is much cheaper than the other options and most of the decks that you are going to use this against have tuants as the main target. Into these matchups, keep this card.


(Mulligan Trips) Sandbinder: Into slower matchups like I said, draw and setup is important, which means this card is a good keep into slower matchups. This will draw you zephyrus or siamat which are both great late game options to close out long games. Also one of the cards I would keep if you have the coin.


(Mulligan Tips) Subject 9: Also keep into slower matchups for INSANE card draw and value.


Brann: Play him turn 7 most of the time on curve pretty much every time (or coin him out early) unless you need to play a card to live like zilliax into aggro. The value from him is insane though, so if you CAN I would recommend playing him on curve.


Siamat: This guy can be used 4 ways:

  1. You have total board control so you play him with WINDFURY + DIVINE SHIELD and use him as a win condition to close out games.
  2. Your opponent has 1 big minion you need to kill so you go RUSH + DIVINE SHIELD in order to kill it and leave your dude alive.
  3. Your opponent has 2 medium sized minions play him with WINDFURY + RUSH in order to deal with both threats while keeping the rest of your board alive.
  4. Your opponent has 1 minion that is too big for you to kill, play him with TAUNT + DIVINE SHIELD and hope its enough to stall.

Zephrys: I already talked about this a little bit but mainly what you want to do with this guy is against aggro play him early to gain a tempo play turn 3 OR play him reactively in order to deal with your opponents board/stay alive. Into aggro he is NOT a win condition, he is there to buy you time to get to your other win conditions. Into Midrange and Control you want to save him to help you get the perfect card to close out a game. Most of the time in this case he WILL be a win condition for you. 


Dragonqueen Alexstraza: This card is your PROACTIVE win condition. While Zephrys is a card you might want to save to deal with a board or close out a game, Alexstraza you want to play to immediately to refill a board (If you already have board control don’t play it because that means you can get punished by board wipe into most classes).



### Secret Highlander Hunter

# Class: Hunter

# Format: Standard

# Year of the Dragon


# 1x (1) Dwarven Sharpshooter

# 1x (1) Secretkeeper

# 1x (1) Springpaw

# 1x (1) Tracking

# 1x (2) Explosive Trap

# 1x (2) Freezing Trap

# 1x (2) Phase Stalker

# 1x (2) Rat Trap

# 1x (2) Shieldbreaker

# 1x (2) Snake Trap

# 1x (2) Snipe

# 1x (2) Zephrys the Great

# 1x (3) Animal Companion

# 1x (3) Deadly Shot

# 1x (3) Diving Gryphon

# 1x (3) Eaglehorn Bow

# 1x (3) SN1P-SN4P

# 1x (3) Unleash the Hounds

# 1x (3) Ursatron

# 1x (4) Dragonbane

# 1x (4) Hyena Alpha

# 1x (4) Sandbinder

# 1x (5) Faceless Corruptor

# 1x (5) Subject 9

# 1x (5) Zilliax

# 1x (6) Unleash the Beast

# 1x (7) Dinotamer Brann

# 1x (7) Siamat

# 1x (9) Dragonqueen Alexstrasza

# 1x (10) Zul'jin




Stats: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TjLoEIQOFaJZhlNYnBYCTbUPMOkVttGjbVzyS69BInc/edit?usp=sharing

(This started off as just me, but this doc is open for anyone to add to in order to help get more precise statistics cause my 66 games is a small sample size). Original Stats were: 

Opponent's Class



Avg Winrate






















































Video Gameplay:

Matchups (Only the Important Ones)


Wall Druid: This matchup you want to be proactive and CONSTANTLY dealing damage so you can potentially kill him by the time he gets to his big taunt minions. Shieldbraker is REALLY strong into this matchup as well and should be used whenever possible. Honestly this matchup is just rush the opponent down before he gets to his wall minions and hope he doesn’t ramp up a ton. This deck CAN play pretty aggro but you don’t want to keep any slow cards and like I said this is like the 1 slow matchup you REALLY need to go aggro into because unlike priest there is no punishment for doing early damage to him. This matchup CAN still be closed out late with your insane late game cards, you just need to trust you will draw into them so you can apply pressure with a better early game hand. In terms of cards there are a few key things that can make your matchup easier. If you draw Deadly Shot or Freeze Trap, save them for turn 7 when he plays the Winged Guardian. Also if you can save Springpaw in hand to deal with the 1 HP the Winged Guardian has after it is reborn.


Face Hunter: Into this matchup you want to have Zephyrs, but you actually want to save him for heal spells later on into the matchup. Also into this matchup I actually keep Zilliax a lot of the time because it is the only source of healing this deck has and since Face Hunter doesn’t rely on minions to do damage (more spells and weapons and Hero power) controlling the board won’t help you has much as healing will. Additionally, you need to pump out threats so you can constantly hit him back for damage and try to out-damage him. This deck lacks healing so most damage you take will stay so if you want to tech in a Rotten Applebaum  because you don’t have one of the legendaries that would be a good call (Khartut Defend is a LITTLE bit too slow honestly). You have several rush minions to deal with the threats and kill the Phase Stalker ASAP. Don’t try to play to any of your late game win conditions because you want to literally just survive, dump all cards more than 4 mana other than Zilliax and try to gain control of the board and then hit him in the face and try to kill him as he runs out of resources.


Secret Highlander Hunter: The Mirror Match is very similar into the matchup that Highlander Rogue had into this deck. 

  1. If you force him to play Zephrys first by flooding the board and making him worry, you are in the driver’s seat.
  2. You want to play your Siamat AFTER his by applying pressure on the board, cause if you use your to kill his, you are left with a 6/6 and he is not. 
  3. Use your weapon to test out secrets before playing or attacking with minions to minimize how much you get punished by the Secrets which are a huge part of Highlander Secret Hunter. 
  4. You want to play aggro, but not with the intention of rushing him down, just to bait out important cards. This means you want to trade when value trades present themselves and not always go face, but still make him nervous with pressure.
  5. Play Alexstraza first because it provides board pressure. Zephrys is different because it can be used in a way that is more flexible and removal based, but Alexstraza is a PROACTIVE win condition which you want to force your opponent to have a response or they will lose. Only do this if they recently wiped your board because it is a great way to refill your board and its a safe play cause you just baited out some removal.

The way you win this matchup out valuing your opponent because your playstyles are similar while also understanding that if you use your important removal cards first (like Zephrys), that value loss could decide the match.


Quest Hunter: This deck can be rough because you have very few ways to do with a wide board AND Quest hunter can deal with your decently stated minions with their rush. That being said, there are a couple of things you can do to win. Saving the Unleash the Hounds for when he floods the board to either a) wipe the most minions or b) do the most damage is a nice way to get out extra value. The same way you have limited board wipe, this deck ALSO has limited board wipe so if you can go wide with decent minions you can afford to just dump your hand into this matchup. If you get a wide board and get the minions to stick, allowing you to trade into his small token minions AND push face with some of your other minions, you will probably win. The only  thing that could save him is Swarm of Locust + Quest Hero Power which won’t happen until turn 8 and he probably won’t have because he needs to use Swarm of locust to finish the quest in the first place. Other than Unleash the Hounds, a few other important cards are Explosive Trap for if you lose board control OR use it late game when you are around 18 or lower health to counter the Leeroy + Unleash the Hounds + Hero Power play they often use to finish you off. Snake trap is good so you have little 1/1 minions to trade into his small minions. Shieldbreaker isn’t super important but being able to silence the Bone Wraith limits his defensive abilities AND reduces his summons by 1.


Highlander Mage: Mages don’t have heal so into this matchup you want to try to be aggressive and hit them hard and fast. In this matchup a lot of the time if I have 2 mana up and have to choose between a Hero Power and a Secret, I choose the Hero power. There are 2 reasons for this 1) You conserve resources and make it look like you have more cards in your hand that they have to play around and 2) They can’t heal that 2 damage and if you chip away you might be able to finish them off with some burst or high value minions. Shieldbreaker again is mainly for the Khartut Defender and isn’t a priority keep, but if you have it you should save it for that minion. You never want to overcommit to the board because if you do their removal will be a problem, you want to play minions on curve to develop pressure, but you also want to leave minions back to regain the board if he wipes it. By this I mean if you have played minions on curve for the first 4 or 5 turns, don’t just play unleash the beast for no reason when if could get hit with blizzard. (Dinotamer Brann is different because 8/8 charge is a HUGE swing and if he doesn’t have removal you just win). Basically if you already have 3+ minions on board, don’t play more minions unless they literally set up lethal for you the next turn OR they have another plus side that isn’t just their stats (like card draw). This rule doesn’t apply to your FIRST board because if they don’t have the removal on curve when you flood the board you can just win off of that. Force him to use his Zeph first so he is down an option and play Alexstraza first so you force him to have a response because if he doesn’t you do a ton of damage. When you make this play, only play 1 free dragon so you can play another one if he wipes your board which is nice.


Paladin: I have very little experience into this class but I will try my best. First of all, this is the one matchup where the Shieldbreaker silence ISN’T good and if you play against a lot of mech paladins then I would recommend taking it out for an ironbeak owl. With that out of the way, you want to go wide most of the time cause odds are it will be mech paladin which means he has limited removal. Not only that, but Deadly shot and Unleash the hounds come up big in this matchup to deal with all the 1/1 microbots he summons OR to kill the big minion he pumps up a ton. Similar to Face hunter and most aggro decks I like to keep Zilliax in this matchup as your 1 form of healing and as a form of removal. Explosive trap does good if he goes wide and Freezing Trap does well if he makes 1 big minion (just kill his other ones so he can’t bait out the freeze with a weak minion). Into OTK, try to have 2 or 3 minions out at a time and only put out more if they have good battlecries/deathrattles. Again, the exception to this is your first board because if you flood and they have no response on curve it can win you the game. Constantly apply pressure with these minions and if they die rebuild a board but don’t use too many minions because you want him to run out of his removal before you run out of minions. Burst him with Brann at the end before he pulls off his combo and that’s about it.


Resurrect Priest: Save Silence for his Khartut Defender first of all, and if you don’t have it then you can use your Unleash the Beast to deal with his Khartut Defender (they both cost 6 and you can play it on the same turn and not lose tempo). Second, don’t do damage to your opponent until you can do like 8+ damage in a turn in order to keep him from completing his quest. Third, try to bait out removal AGAIN like in many other matchups, but also try to play around Mass Hysteria by having minions on the board that are unlikely (or unable) to kill eachother. Again a way you can do this is go for 3 minion boards, wait for the removal, then rebuild. The exception to the 3 minion board is your FIRST board because if you flood and they have no response you can win off of that. Then after a Plague of Death he can’t do anything, and THAT is when you can try to flood the board again. This is ok because one of 2 things will happen 1) He has ANOTHER removal which is unlikely if he used Plague already and you were able to bait out other removal or 2) He plays Mass Resurrection and you need all the minions you can summon to deal with that power play. Go for BURSTS of damage not consistent damage so he can’t finish his quest and I wish you all luck XD. OH YEAH I FORGOT, ZEPHYRUS GIVES YOU HEX OR POLYMORPH TO DEAL WITH A MINION IS HUGE!!! Like if you can get that on a khartut Defender or a convincing infiltrator to push damage, it also makes the revives bad potentially which can win you matchups!!!


Highlander/Tempo Rogue: Both of these decks rely on Galakrond and Togwaggle to win, with Highlander also having Zephyrus and Alexstraza true, but also a less consistent Galakrond and Togwaggle. Basically their GOALS are similar with slightly different paths to victory. They both want to play a ton of cheap high value cards early and hopefully play a ton of free cards late. In difficult situations they will play Flik, but if you force them to use Shadowstep on Flik instead of one of their Win Conditions that’s good. Basically to beat this deck you want to flood the bard because even though they have a lot of cheap removal, its relatively weak removal and has a difficult time dealing with wide boards of decent minions (3+ HP). After they play Galakrond play a little safe because they could have Kronx board wipe, but until they play Galakrond you need to apply a ton of pressure because they usually have a slow turn BEFORE that play in order to set up (whether it be getting 1 or 2 last invokes or generating some lackeys for Togwaggle. Keep in mind both could happen turn 7, but if its Togwaggle having the wide board means you can HEAVILY punish his slow setup turn). Kill all his lackeys before turn 6 so he can’t get out Togwaggle a turn early, because that extra turn where you don’t have tempo could be rough. Save Zeph for after he plays all his free cards because that is your best chance at wiping the board, which will buy you time to play your insane late game cards. You want to play super aggro early because if he is forced to use Shadowstep early on like an EVIL Miscreant or an early Zephyrus to generate resources it limits his combo potential and win conditions late game.


Control Warlock: This matchup is weird because you THINK you should win super hard but its not that simple. You ARE favored, bit if he gets early Nether Breaths to deal with your early pressure and heal your early damage it buys him a lot of time. Dark Skies is a bit of a problem if he plays it turn 3, but that shouldn’t stop you from flooding the board because again, the 2-3 minion rule doesn’t apply to your first board and if he doesn’t have Dark Skies the extra damage can help you close out the game. After that board wipe try to play minions with 4+ HP to keep your board from getting killed by the Netherwing (3 damage Board Wipe Dragon). Unleash the Hounds does well into the Galakrond version so you can burst him down or kill off his 1/1 imps so your bigger minions can survive a Plague of Flames. A solid way to win though is to play pretty aggressively and similar to mage, press your Hero Power whenever you have some extra mana instead of forcing out a secret or another small/medium sized minion. This will help you play around board wipe and also apply pressure to a deck where health is limited (even though this deck has heal it still does damage to itself).


Zoolock/Pirate Warrior/Token Druid: You wanna keep Zilliax into this matchup first of all along with a lot of your other charge minions. You want to play for board control into these matchups because Zoolock/Token Druid can’t do anything if they lose board control and Warrior CAN use weapons but you can’t avoid that (you have no taunt) so you need to control the board then hit hard. Into Zoolock/Token Druid, Unleash and Explosive Trap are CRAZY strong if you ever lose board control (unless they play Shield of Galakrond…) and into warrior using zephyrus early to get weapon removal or board wipe is solid (also use early for board wipe into Zoolock/Token if needed, its just more flexible into warrior). To be honest if you can make it to turn 6 where you get to play Unleash the Beast in either of these matchups you will probably be fine, but the point is dump as many cards as you can, almost never hit the Hero Power button unless there is literally nothing else to do, and then win late when they run out of resources (or in Zoolocks case their health is low enough for you to burst). This deck struggles into aggro so its a losing matchup, but since you don’t have to play around removal just play cards, make trades, and hope for the best. Pirate Warrior and Token Druid are your worst matchups overall (even so this strategy worked well enough into these matchups) and Zoolock does enough damage to themselves that you can actually realistically win a lot once you gain control of the board because they already did a lot of damage to themselves for you. I talked about this earlier, but don’t save your Zephyrus into these, you need to survive the early game so playing him as soon as you need removal or you have an awkward turn (like turn 6 with no unleash the Beast play Zephyrus and look for like Hellfire or removal).


Galakrond Warrior: This matchup became a LOT less popular and is pretty much 50/50. You basically want to play like you are playing into control Wall Druid, flood the board and play aggro. This version of Warrior has several weaknesses, they don’t run control, the invoke DOES deal with your minions but he takes a lot of damage, the Scion of Ruin costs an extra mana now, and the turn they play Galakrond is SUPER weak so if you have control of the board he can’t play it cause he might lose. That being said, you need to look out for burst, which can happen at any time, and if he is fine taking damage and gets an early scion of ruin (or both) he can wipe your board and play Galakrond without any threats, his burst potential goes up. So just play minions and try to stay in control so he can’t play Galakrond. As for the burst, saving explosive trap or freeze trap for after his galakrond is the ideal strategy. Basically when you get to 16 HP (Leeroy, Inner Rage, Duplicate) you wanna play explosive or freeze to be safe (explosive doesn’t work if Leeroy got Galakrond buffed but you kinda just gotta hope that doesn’t happen…). Faceless Corruptor does well into this matchup because a lot of his minions have 3 or less attack so you can get some pretty decent trades in, same with unleash the beast. Low frequency matchup, but flood the board and stay in control so they can’t play the Galakrond and you should be fine.


If you want to support me so I do more guides like this, please check out these other links and/or upvote them and this post. Thanks for reading to this point.

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveHS/comments/evkj6e/highlander_hunter_indepth_guide_replacements_tech/

Other Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/evkj72/highlander_hunter_indepth_guide_replacements_tech/

Hearthpwn: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1329410-highlander-hunter-in-depth-guide-43-23-65-winrate

Also, here are links to various subreddits for each class if you want to get info, discuss, or find deck ideas for any specific class. I realized that there were no subreddits for these topics and I think they would be helpful and I am only going to bring this up this 1 time unless people seem to like it.



Druid: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Druid/

Hunter: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Hunter/

Mage: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Mage/

Paladin: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Paladin/

Priest: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Priest/

Rogue: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Rogue/

Shaman: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Shaman/

Warlock: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Warlock/

Warrior: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hearthstone_Warrior/


If you have any Tips on how I can make better guides, please tell me cause I would love to do better.



### Budget Highlander

# Class: Hunter

# Format: Standard

# Year of the Dragon


# 1x (1) Clear the Way

# 1x (1) Dwarven Sharpshooter

# 1x (1) Springpaw

# 1x (1) Tracking

# 1x (2) Corrosive Breath

# 1x (2) Firetree Witchdoctor

# 1x (2) Zephrys the Great

# 1x (3) Animal Companion

# 1x (3) Deadly Shot

# 1x (3) Desert Spear

# 1x (3) Diving Gryphon

# 1x (3) Primordial Explorer

# 1x (3) Scalerider

# 1x (3) Stormhammer

# 1x (3) Unleash the Hounds

# 1x (4) Bone Wraith

# 1x (4) Evasive Feywing

# 1x (4) Scaleworm

# 1x (4) Twilight Drake

# 1x (4) Witchwood Piper

# 1x (5) Big Ol' Whelp

# 1x (5) Cobalt Spellkin

# 1x (5) Dragonmaw Scorcher

# 1x (5) Faceless Corruptor

# 1x (5) Rotten Applebaum

# 1x (6) Evasive Wyrm

# 1x (6) Khartut Defender

# 1x (6) Unleash the Beast

# 1x (7) Dinotamer Brann

# 1x (9) Dragonqueen Alexstrasza



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