DreadKill's Elemental Reno Shaman
- Control Shaman
- Wild
- Ranked
Elemental Reno Shaman - Control Shaman Deck
Hello, my name is DreadKill and this is my Control Shaman Deck, aimed for play in Wild Ranked. I have been playing Hearthstone since Beta and I like to create fun theorycraft decks, whenever a new expansion is on the horizon.
I had fun with a Standard elemental deck before the rotation so I decided to try to make a version that would be viable for Ranked play.
The deck
1. Deck base
The base of the deck is centered around Reno Jackson and a whole army of elementals, led by the one and only Kalimos, Primal Lord.
2. Elementals and elemental synergy
A lot of the cars in this deck have elemental synergy, many of them being elementals as well. Card draw and generation is no problem thanks to cards like Menacing Nimbus, Earthen Might, Elementary Reaction and Servant of Kalimos.
3. Removal
The deck has a variety of removals included, from soft removal suitable for aggro like Maelstrom Portal to hard removal like Volcano or versatile removal like the new addition of Hagatha's Scheme. Also included are disruptors like Earth Shock and Hex.
4. Defense - taunt minions and heals
Sit behind your wall of minions and worry not! From the cheap taunt minions like Stonehill Defender and Tar Creeper that help you fend off aggro in the early game to the more versatile cards like Zilliax and Walking Fountain, your deck is well equipped. And just when they reduced your health to a critical amount, "surprise" your enemies with the good ol' Reno Jackson.
5. Tech cards
It's never bad to have a failsafe. This is where the tech cards come in. Have you encountered a rogue with an ultra-buffed Spectral Cutlass? Gluttonous Ooze. Do you need one of Kalimos' effects again? Bog Slosher. Do you need extra value? The Lich King. Also included are Fire Plume Phoenix and Skulking Geist. While the first can prove quite useful in many situations, the second can disrupt some of the other classes such as Warrior's Omega Assembly and Hunter's Tracking.
6. Niche cards
These cards do not affect the deck if they are not included. I simply had them lying around and thought they would be a good addition in the deck. Spirit Echo provides a good hand refill when in need. Charged Hammer is definitely the most niche of them all, but the hero power it provides, Lightning Jolt, is basically an upgraded Mage hero power. White Eyes is a recurring taunt minion that could be considered Shaman's version of Direhorn Hatchling.
Card replacement
You may choose to replace some of the cards in the deck for a better winrate or if you simply do not have those cards or want to add other cards that you like. The niche cards and the tech ones are the cards that can be replaced without having a major impact on your deck. Other viable options would be:
Thank you!
If you read it all the way until here then really thank you a lot! I appreciate your time and I am waiting for your comments and opinions.
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3- 00
- 11
- 62
- 83
- 24
- 65
- 46
- 37+
- 1 Earth Shock x 1
- 2 Devolve x 1
- 2 Earthen Might x 1
- 2 Elementary Reaction x 1
- 2 Maelstrom Portal x 1
- 2 Menacing Nimbus x 1
- 2 Spirit Echo x 1
- 3 Bog Slosher x 1
- 3 Charged Hammer x 1
- 3 Hex x 1
- 3 Hot Spring Guardian x 1
- 3 Lightning Storm x 1
- 5 Hagatha's Scheme x 1
- 5 Stone Sentinel x 1
- 5 Volcano x 1
- 5 White Eyes x 1
- 6 Fire Elemental x 1
- 7 Kalimos, Primal Lord x 1
- 8 Walking Fountain x 1
- 3 Gluttonous Ooze x 1
- 3 Stonehill Defender x 1
- 3 Tar Creeper x 1
- 4 Fire Plume Phoenix x 1
- 4 Tol'vir Stoneshaper x 1
- 5 Servant of Kalimos x 1
- 5 Zilliax x 1
- 6 Blazecaller x 1
- 6 Reno Jackson x 1
- 6 Skulking Geist x 1
- 8 The Lich King x 1
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