Miracle Priest has a contender! (Nomi Druid)

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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This version is slightly worse against control than Nomi Priest, due to Chef Nomi being only playable twice, but better against aggro decks.


Key cards : they’re original, cannot be replaced


Questionable choices : this decklist is weird, here is why


Mulligan guide

General :

You are trying to stay alive and to setup a great Gadgetzan Auctioneer, so you are generally aiming for those:

Gadgetzan Auctioneer Card Image  Acolyte of Pain Card Image  Predatory Instincts Card Image


Against aggro :

There is 2 type of aggro decks : pure aggro, who wants to go face 24/24 and generally have a lot of direct damage, and Zoos. However, they both try to keep board control early on, so the mulligan is pretty much the same, but in case they have direct damages, try to use Crystal Power as healing in the late game if possible.

In addition of the general cards, you aim for those:

Claw Card Image  Crystal Power Card Image  Wrath Card Image


Against midrange :

In the current meta, I'll define mech hunter and summoning mage as midrange decks, and against those decks, here are the cards you want to have early on:

Crystal Power Card Image  Wrath Card Image  Big Game Hunter Card Image

BGH is especially good against mage, but you will be happy to have it in hand in case of magnetized monsters.


Against Control :

Basically, against warrior.

Bloodmage Thalnos Card Image and if you already have an Auctionneer :

Innervate Card Image  Biology Project Card Image

(other cheap spells aren't worth to keep early in my opinion)


I currently have a 50% winrate with this deck, around rank 5. This deck is viable, but I hope the next expansion will make him stronger (which is expectable, giving druid's horrible state in the meta).

Thanks for reading, have fun!

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  • HoraceStapleton's Avatar
    100 7 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    Any decent replacements for Bloodmage Thalnos?

    • Thomback's Avatar
      185 61 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

      I would go with Loot Hoarder or a second Acolyte of Pain for early card draw.

      It honestly won't change much to the game favor 9 time out of 10 or so, don't craft Thalnos JUST for that deck!


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