Quest Malygos Imprisoned Satyr OTK

Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

Quest druid shell, with Malygos as a win condition. Use the Quest cards to survive and stabilise, then use the following combo to deal 32 damage:

1. Double Imprisoned Satyr, reduce Malygos to (0) mana (this is why we play very few minions).

2. Malygos + double Germination for 3 Malygeese for a total of +15 spell damage

3. Double Moonfire for 16 damage each, totalling 32 damage.

You don't need all the cards in hand to do the set-up, you can reduce Malygos's cost whenever you want as long as you don't have any minions in hand. If anybody knows whether Imprisoned Satyr's effect triggers before or after the draw phase that would be very handy information.

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