Highlander Thief

Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
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Don't expect a flashy guide this time around. I am nothing more than a returning player, who is going to play even more casually than before.


Cleric of Scales & Aeon Reaver - I don't have them, because I skipped the whole DoD expansion (I just bought a lot of packs with the gold I accumulated before, but I had no interest in playing seriously or doing quests, so I couldn't afford the adventure). Those cards are what this deck needs - more dragon support, card draw and single-target removal.

Soul Mirror - I will add this once the AoO hits. It will replace Dragonfire Potion.

Competition and my thoughts on it

Quote From Kovachut

Popular classes and decks I've encountered so far:

1) MAGES - Quest, Reno Quest, Secret

2) Shaman - Even

3) Warlock - Reno, Cubelock, Mecha'thun

4) Paladin - Handbuff Mech, Odd

5) Priest - Reno

6) Druid - Jade

Quote From Kovachut

Other decks I've encountered (random order):

Warriors - Galakrond

Hunter - Even, Quest

Rogue - Kingsbane, Odd, Deathrattle Mecha'thun

Shaman - Reno Shudderwock

Druid - Token Pirate

Mage - Reno Control

Warlock - Disco Zoo, Galakrond Zoo, Plain Zoo

Don't use this deck, if you are on rank 5 Diamond and you want to reach Legend. If you decide to use it, then I would advise you to add some tech cards - more taunts like Convincing Infiltrator, Khartut Defender (good versus both Quest Mages), more card draw like Loot Hoarder or Bloodmage Thalnos, more minions to play. Remove some clunky cards like Thoughtsteal, Shadow Madness, Chameleos. My previous N'zoth Priest decks stood a chance against Quest Mage, while the current deck doesn't!

Highest Rank:

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Though taking into consideration how easy the new system is, I don't think it's worth to brag about it.

Have fun on the ladder!

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