Lackeys Like Pain? Enrage Lackey Warrior!

Last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by
  • Fun
You would think that Lackeys in an Enrage Warrior package would be a terrible idea, but not only was it a blast to play, the winrate (out of 5 games) was remarkably good too (80%)! This package uses Corsair Cache to draw the Livewire Lance and give it an extra charge, allowing us to generate more Lackey value. Against aggressive opponents, this has excellent armor gain and board clears with Risky Skipper and Armorsmith. In games that go a bit longer, Grand Lackey Erkh can help generate the amazing value necessary to close out the game. Teron Gorefiend can also lead to some bizarre boardstates if you can line him up well!
We have 2 highlight videos showing the 5 games mentioned. Part 1 is at and part 2 will come out soon!
Enjoy and have an awesome day!

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