Secret Miracle Rogue - Ashes of Outland

Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by
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Secret Miracle Rogue

I personally am a fan of miracle decks in general, specifically the card Gadgetzan Auctioneer and at the start of every expansion i try out different variations of this archetype just so i can play what i like to play which is throwing out a bunch of spells to draw a crap ton of cards from my deck and it always happens to be that i get the exact card that wins me the game, I mean ALWAYS!

General Strategies

Shadowjeweler Hanaris one of the key cards here as this can generate value overtime and sometimes even help with sticking an Questing Adventurer on the board [ mostly its the Hunter and Paladin secrets that helps ; ) ].
Malygos might look like an odd one here but actually if you are lucky you can pull a zero cost Malygos with Heistbaron Togwaggle which most of the time can outright win you the game.

Card Replacements

Malygos and 2x Sinister Strike can be replaced for the Rogue Quest along with 2x Hench-Clan Burglar or 2x Licensed Adventurer.
Bloodmage Thalnos is not an absolute must but if you have the card then its an additional card draw and also do empowers the Backstab and Eviscerate - Can be replaced with a Bamboozle or Shadowstep.

Hope you all have fun playing with the deck.

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