Super Aggro Odd DH
- Aggro Demon Hunter
- Wild
- Ranked
This is one of the fastest and most hard-hitting aggro decks I've ever seen (and I've played this game daily since 2014). We have a glut of premium 1-drops for early game board control and chip damage. Battlefiend and Lowly Squire can be deadly if not removed early. Leeroy Jenkins and Metamorphosis are great closers.
I've played this to gold 5 so far this season and am hoping to hit Legend. I'd love feedback on card choices. I'll add a more detailed guide if anyone's interested.
Update: -1 Dragonhawk Rider, +1 Hench-Clan Thug. Now at Platinum 10, but slowing down.
COOL! Made it the main page! I'll add to the guide bit by bit.
Best tip? Mulligan hard for 1-drops. Due to the odd card restriction, you have a lot less draw than Demon Hunters usually run (Skull, Sight, etc.) and you don't have a lot of late-game power. I only run 1 Priestess of Fury because we need to hit hard and fast, and she's expensive. Piling on with 1-drops closes out a lot of games quickly.
Priest is the most polarized matchup so far. We either kill them on turn 5 or 6, or we have no chance.
I've taken down mages twice after they played Reno Jackson on curve at 11 health. Don't count yourself out until you're out.
Use your Aldrachi Warblades to combo with Satyr Overseer and Glaivebound Adept on curve if possible, even if you don't need the healing.
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12- 00
- 141
- 02
- 103
- 14
- 35
- 06
- 27+
- 1 Battlefiend x 2
- 1 Consume Magic x 2
- 1 Crimson Sigil Runner x 2
- 1 Mana Burn x 2
- 3 Aldrachi Warblades x 2
- 3 Eye Beam x 2
- 3 Satyr Overseer x 2
- 4 Metamorphosis x 1
- 5 Glaivebound Adept x 2
- 7 Priestess of Fury x 1
- 1 Blazing Battlemage x 2
- 1 Leper Gnome x 2
- 1 Lowly Squire x 2
- 3 Blackwald Pixie x 1
- 3 Coldlight Oracle x 2
- 3 Hench-Clan Thug x 1
- 5 Leeroy Jenkins x 1
- 9 Baku the Mooneater x 1
More Aggro Demon Hunter Decks
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Eye Beam is not "super aggro" because it can`t go face. ;)
You can't go face when there are taunts in the way.
I'm curious though, what made you comment on this deck that I posted over 2 months ago?
Nice deck. I added Happy Ghouls which synergize with the 4 Lifesteal cards.
Yeah, I could see those being good. But what did you cut for them? Ghouls work super well in Zoolock because you can dump your whole hand cheap and reload. Odd DH struggles to draw, so this might not be as effective.
I took out a Blackwald Pixie and Coldlight Oracle. I'll keep testing to see what I think works best.
Just hit Diamond 5! A new high rank for me (last month was Diamond 7). Going to keep pushing. Upcoming nerf to Priestess and Sigil Runner shouldn't make much difference.
keep reporting on the climb man. i reached rank 3 diamond with discard warlock with 76% winrate so i wouldnt say its a big achievement.
because now 20 games in this rank and i have 9 wins and 11 losses so it seems that from rank 3 upwards its where we see if a deck is worth its money or not
Now at Platinum 2. Hench-clan Thug is performing admirably. When you need to just jam a 3-drop on curve without attacking, he feels way better than Satyr Overseer.
Isn't Hench-Clan Thug better than Dragonhawk Rider? It deals damage slightly slower, but the Windfury is less good in DH because they don't have buffs and the scaling health makes it a bit harder to clear.
Alternatively, Vicious Fledgling is probably more effective as well. It can give itself permanent Windfury and also protect itself better.
But excellent choices to be sure. I'll make some swaps tomorrow and see how it goes.