EVIL Pogo Rogue

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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 How to Handle Control Warriors


Hey all, I've been playing this deck today and blew from 15 to 10 with only 2 losses.  I think there's plenty to refine and I'll need to face tougher decks to get an ideal pogo-ness but this has been a fun base test. 

We have a couple of win conditions here, sometimes you pick the condition depending on what your opponent is playing and sometimes you see what you run into.  There's a lot of tempo cards that can let you just steamroll some decks over.  If you are going for a tempo play feel free to slap those pogos on the board as fodder.  Generally Heistbaron Togwaggle will be your MVP on these plays.

My favorite matchup has been various form of control warriors (haven't faced bomb, this could really mess up this strat).  They build up the huge amount of armor that is normally unpassable for tempo players.  However the games are long and slow so you can take your time putting together this little combo.

Using either Shadowstep or Spirit of the Shark create a few copies of Tolin's Goblet.  From there you can either wait to empty your deck with the ton of card draw or use Myra's Unstable Element.  Then it's a pogohopper and scheme.  You generally only need 4-5 copies in your deck to make it work.  Empty your hand and then fill it up with Pogohoppers.  Repeat as needed.  Don't overextend so you can draw out those Brawls and have plenty of hoppers left.  Slapping a Zillax onto a buffed hopper is a nice life refill if you've been dipping into fatigue.  

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