Doctor Krastinov's Scheme Quest Rogue

Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
  • Fun

With help from Wand Thief, Plagiarize, and the interaction with Secret Passage, the Rogue Quest (Bazaar Burglary) is easier than ever to complete! And, with Doctor Krastinov's ability to make our quest reward weapon even more amazing, we had to build a Doctor Krastinov Togwaggle's Scheme Quest deck!

First, if you've got 2 cards from another class in hand, playing Secret Passage will ensure that you complete the quest at the end of your turn (since the cards get added back to your hand at the end of the turn, counting towards the quest again!). And, while the Togwaggle's Schemes and Shadow of Deaths are in the deck to help get additional Doctor Krastinovs after quest completion, we often found getting extra copies of an opponent's minion or one of the discovered legendaries to be game-winning.

Blade Flurry is a great "panic" to reset the board and allow you to start building back up, while all the card draw can help get copies of things you shuffled in so that you can keep pace with opponents. As our main focus was on getting as big of an immune weapon as possible, the win-rate was well below 50%, and this list likely needs a number of changes to have any chance of topping 50%, but it was a ton of fun! We've got a gameplay video with a few games at if you'd like to check it out. Happy experimenting, and have an awesome day!

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