Embiggen - Mill Druid (Rogue counter)

Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago by
  • Casual

Hi, it's my first mini-guide :)


This is a deck for a Tavern Brawl "Top 3" (3-card decks).

I created the deck to counter Rogue decks, while also remaining pretty competitive against other decks.

Specifically counters Rogue -> Secret Passage + Counterfeit Coin + Flik Skyshiv. Guide how to do it, below.


vs. Rogue

vs. Priests (Shadow Word: Ruin + Wave of Apathy + Renew)


In the mulligan keep 1x Patches the Pirate and every copy of Naturalize. Mulligan every Embiggen and excess copies of Patches the Pirate

1. In the early game, just Hero Power face (vs. Priest - don't attack face, he will heal anyway).

2. When you have 10-cards in hand - play 1x Embiggen + Hero Power. Repeat for at least few turns, while you collect more Naturalize.

3. In the Late-Game, when you have 5-7 copies of Naturalize and can't play Embiggen anymore... this is your turn. Play 1-mana Patches the Pirate which you kept in mulligan. Play Naturalize on every single copy of Patches the Pirate that you have on the board. Suddenly you are so far ahead in fatigue race, that Rogue has 0 chance to win... (Remember, you also accumulate Armor in the early turns...).

If Rogue decides to play Flik Skyshiv before you do your MILL turn... well, just play Naturalize on it and continue your plan. This way Rogue only speeds up his inevitable loss...


Priest matchup I am not sure of yet, I might update it later. The plan is to MILL Priest, because you can't get through his healing and removals.

Versus Priest, there is also an alternative - in short - summon as many 3/3 Patches the Pirate as you can... this way Shadow Word: Ruin is useless. It might work, but I have to test it more... Priest might also RNG Discover his way out, so I am not sure about that...



vs. Druid (mirror match)

vs. Shaman (Lightning Bloom, Ancestral Knowledge, Snowfury Giant)

In the mulligan keep 1x Patches the Pirate and all copies of Embiggen. Mulligan everything else.

In this matchup, player who starts first mostly wins. If you start first and have 1x Patches the Pirate and 2x Embiggen - you win.

If you start 2nd or 1st but with only 1x Embiggen you lost... unless opponent drew similarly bad as you :)


Versus Shaman it gets complicated, sometimes - your Naturalize can help you win, f.e. when you start 1st with 2x Naturalize, 1x Patches the Pirate and 1x Embiggen.



Alternative cards, up for testing

Crystalsong Portal, Raven Idol, Partner Assignment instead of Naturalize. Can be good against Rogue and Priests I think (it provides you more minions than they can possibly remove...).

Also, Jade Idol...


Enjoy the "brokenness" of the Brawl, see ya!

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